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Creative TEFL Activities – Free Udemy Courses

Creative TEFL Activities - Free Udemy Courses
Creative TEFL Activities - Free Udemy Courses

Creative TEFL Activities – Free Udemy Courses

Spark Creativity in Your Language Classroom

What you’ll learn

Creative TEFL Activities – Free Udemy Courses

  • Develop a suite of creative, productive activities for all ages and abilities.
  • Understand the role of repetition, choice, constraints, and courage.
  • Give your students the confidence to share original work.
  • Get the whole class engaged, rolling around and laughing with wacky ideas and stories.


  • Some experience teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL/ESL) would be beneficial. This is not a beginner teaching course.
  • An English level of B1 or above is recommended.
  • What’s most important is that you are willing to take chances, to risk seeing something fail, knowing that ultimately your students will benefit and love you for it.


Creativity is easier said than done. We all want to fill our classes with stories and laughter, with engaged students producing original, innovative, hilarious work. But how? Creativity isn’t a tap you can turn on and off. And with the demands of a packed curriculum and a textbook to get through, how can we find time to be creative? And what if, when we do, we just get blank faces staring back at us?

Creativity is about having original ideas and then turning these into reality. After all, we don’t just want our students mindlessly regurgitating the pre-packaged sentences from our textbooks. The truth is though, as you’ll learn in this course, we are all creative.

That’s why creativity is at the core of a successful language classroom. We are all capable of innovative ideas – in any language. And what do you think our students would prefer to talk or write about: the next page in the book, or the funny story they want to tell? Creativity brings language classes to life.

In this course, we’ll show you how to tease that out. We’ll show you how repetition is your friend, how constraints force you to think in new ways, how choices can prompt new ideas, and how courage brings it all out.

After completing this course, you will plan lessons with exciting productive activities that get the whole class engaged, and even rolling around laughing with wacky and wonderful ideas.

You will take students outside or around the school to explore and discover an authentic language that ends up producing amazing projects.

You will give students confidence and you’ll see their beaming smiles as they show their family and friends the authentic, original work they’ve produced in their second language.

You’ll have a suite of ready-to-go, low-prep, and highly effective activities that you can use at the drop of a hat, even if you have to cover a class at the last minute.

Join us on this free course to explore creativity in the language classroom, and how to make it part of your classroom, every day.

Who this course is for:

  • TEFL Teachers who want to inspire their students to produce creative, hilarious, original work.
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