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How to Convert English words into Spanish – Free Course – Free Udemy Courses

How to Convert English words into Spanish - Free Course - Free Udemy Courses
How to Convert English words into Spanish - Free Course - Free Udemy Courses

How to Convert English words into Spanish – Free Course – Free Udemy Courses

Lifehack – Convert English words into Spanish with this simple trick

What you’ll learn

How to Convert English words into Spanish – Free Course – Free Udemy Courses

  • Understand how to convert English words that have a Spanish equivalent word
  • Improve your Spanish with this very simple trick
  • Understand this important structure of the Spanish language
  • Increase your Spanish vocabulary and grammar understanding


  • This course is for any Spanish level
  • The willpower to start and finish this course


Hola! Hello and welcome to my course!

With Spanish being the official language of more than 20 countries and having over 470 million speakers around the world, it’s one of the most important and widely spoken languages nowadays.

This course will teach you how to convert English words into Spanish. Many English words have a Spanish equivalent and with a simple trick, you can easily convert them into Spanish.

This course will give you all the tips and tricks related to covert them easily.

This course also includes 23 Quizlet lesson sets with over 200+ terms. The Quizlet flashcards include the vocabulary together with the picture, audio, and translation of the term you’re studying. You can also use it to practice memorizing vocabulary with multiple study games and quiz features.

In this course, you will learn:

· Lots of Spanish vocabulary

· Spanish grammar structures and rules

· How to read and write Spanish

· How to sound and speak like a native speaker using interactive pronunciation exercises

This course is open to anyone no matter what Spanish level you have.

There’s no need for additional knowledge of other Spanish concepts since the words we’re going to study are closely related to English.

Muchas gracias!

Hugo Garza

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for anyone, from absolute beginners to those who have previous knowledge of Spanish.
  • Anyone who is living, planning to move to, or on vacation in a Spanish-speaking country.
  • Anyone seeking to improve their personal, professional, and business opportunities.
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How to Convert English words into Spanish – Free Course – Free Udemy Courses

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