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How to pick a database

How to pick a database
How to pick a database

How to pick a database

What kind of storage do you have?

What you’ll learn

How to pick a database

  • You need to figure out how to choose a database for your project.
  • Databases are different.
  • Key-value, graph, and SQL databases are some of the types of databases that are used.
  • The ability to see both good and bad things in the databases.


  • Basic knowledge of IT.
  • Basic knowledge of databases.


Hello, I have worked in IT for a long time. You’ll need a database to build any project, but sometimes it can be hard to choose the right one.

If you want to make great products, you need good data storage, and that course will help you choose the right one. We’ll go over every part of databases, find out what they are, and look at some of the problems they can have. It also has examples of projects that show you how to choose a database. Even if you don’t know anything about databases or have never worked with them, this class is for you. So, without further ado, I’ll be waiting for you when you get here.

Course overview:

  • In order to figure out why databases are being looked at,
    • It will tell you why you should pick and check your database before you start working on the project.
  • There are a lot of different types of databases
    • That part of the text will tell you about the different types of databases you can use.
  • Databases have a lot of problems.
    • The next section will tell you about the main problems with the databases, like how they can be slow.
  • In a project, you can use many databases at the same time.
    • People who use a lot of databases at the same time will be able to tell you what the problems are.
  • Examples of projects
    • It will show you some examples of projects, and then we will look at the databases we could use for those projects next.

Who this course is for:

  • It’s hard to choose a database for people who don’t know how to.
  • Database Administrators of the future.
  • People in IT.

How to pick a database

Introduction to Databases with Python SQL

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