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VueJS and NodeJS: A Practical Guide with Typescript

VueJS and NodeJS: A Practical Guide with Typescript
VueJS and NodeJS: A Practical Guide with Typescript

VueJS and NodeJS: A Practical Guide with Typescript

You can use NodeJS with Typescript, Vue 3 Composition API, and a lot of other things. You can also upload images, export a CSV, and so on.

What you’ll learn

VueJS and NodeJS: A Practical Guide with Typescript

  • You can use Typescript with NodeJS.
  • TypeORM works well with MySQL, so you should use it.
  • Create a Jwt Token.
  • HttpOnly Cookies are used to log in.
  • Take a picture and send it in.
  • Make copies of the CSV files
  • Typescript can be used with Vue 3 to make apps.
  • To use the Composition API, you need to do this.
  • Vuex is a way to send out events.


  • Basic Javascript Knowledge


Learn how to create an Admin App using Vue 3 and NodeJS.

You’ll learn:

  • Use TypeORM and connect to MySQL. This is how it works:
  • Typescript is the best way to write code, so use it.
  • People who want to use Access Middlewares can do so
  • Validate the Requests.
  • Jwt Tokens can be made.
  • Use cookies that can only be accessed through a web page.
  • Take a picture and send it in.
  • This means that you can save CSV files now.

You will learn:

  • Use Vue with Typescript to make things look good.
  • Use the Vuex tool.
  • Composition API: How to use it, and how to get help.
  • Make classes and interfaces.
  • Set up both public and private routes.
  • Intruders can’t get to certain places.
  • Take a picture and send it in.
  • This means that you can save CSV files now.
  • With c3.js, you can make a chart (part of d3.js)

I’m a full-stack developer with more than 10 years of experience. As someone who loves clean code, I try to make sure that my courses have the best code possible.

My teaching style is very simple. I won’t spend a lot of time going over all the ways you can make something or other useless information to make my lectures longer. It’s good for people who want to learn quickly.

I also keep my courses up to date over time because I don’t want them to be out of date. So you can expect more content over time from just one course with better video and audio quality, so you can get more out of it.

Whenever you post a question about coding, I will help you within 12 hours. When I’m trying to help my students, I’m always moving.

Then why not give this course a try? You’ll be glad you did.

Who this course is for:

  • Developers of Javascript

VueJS and NodeJS: A Practical Guide with Typescript

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