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Tech Explorations™ Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian Course

Tech Explorations™ Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian Course
Tech Explorations™ Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian Course

Tech Explorations™ Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian Course

A whirlwind tour of full-stack web application development on the Raspberry Pi

What you’ll learn

Tech Explorations™ Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian Course

  • Setup the minimal Raspbian Lite operating system to the RPi.
  • Learn how to work in headless mode
  • Learn to install and use the a Python virtual environment.
  • Install and use Flask, a Python-based web micro-framework
  • Learn How to Install and use uWSGI as the application server for Flask
  • Install and use Nginx light-weight web server
  • Setup systemd to automatically start your application
  • Use the RPi GPIOs as digital input and outputs
  • Use a DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor
  • Install and use the SQLite database
  • Use the Google Chart API to create visual representations of the sensor data
  • JQuery to add interactivity to web pages
  • Use Plotly for graphical analysis of sensor data
  • Assign a static IP address to your Raspberry Pi
  • Expose your application to the Internet, and access it from anywhere


  • A Raspberry Pi 2 or 3, model B
  • A Windows, Mac or Linux computer
  • A DHT22 sensor
  • An 5mm LED
  • A pushbutton
  • A breadboard and jumper wires
  • Access to the Internet
  • (Check hardware requirements in a free lecture in the first section of the course)


Welcome to Raspberry Pi: Full Stack, a hands-on project designed to teach you how to build an Internet-of-Things application based on the world’s most popular embedded computer.

This is an updated and improved remake of the original Raspberry Pi Full Stack.

This course will expose you to the full process of developing a web application.

You will integrate LEDs, buttons and sensors with Javascript, HTML, web servers, database servers, routers and schedulers.

You will understand why the Raspberry Pi is such a versatile tinkering platform by experiencing first hand how well it combines:

  • open hardware, that includes wireless and wired networking and the ability to connect sensors and actuators,
  • the powerful Linux/Debian operating system, which gives you access to high-level programming languages and desktop-level software applications
  • and, the flexibility of open source development software which, literally, powers the cloud applications that you use every day

As you progress through the sections, you will learn how to complete a single step of the application development process.

You’ll start with the operating system, add Python and play with some common hardware.

You will learn and add new features and refinements as you move through the lectures.

Ideally, you have experience in experimenting with the Arduino and are comfortable with the breadboard and simple components.

This course contains a substantial amount of programming. For this, you will need to be comfortable working with a text editor.

There are no requirements necessary to enrol; I only ask you to be ready to learn and willing to put the required time and effort.

Please don’t forget to watch the free lectures in the first section of the course. These lectures will give you detailed information on the course content and the hardware you will need.

Looking forward to learning with you!

Who this course is for:

  • Makers who want to experience the full process of web application development
  • Anyone who want experience working with modern web application development technologies
  • Build iOS Apps with SwiftUI Course Site

Tech Explorations™ Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian Course

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