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Automate WebServices Rest API (testing) using Java – Free Udemy Courses

Automate WebServices Rest API (testing) using Java - Free Udemy Courses
Automate WebServices Rest API (testing) using Java - Free Udemy Courses

Automate WebServices Rest API (testing) using Java – Free Udemy Courses

Prepare Automation Java Suite for testing Rest API

What you’ll learn

Automate WebServices Rest API (testing) using Java – Free Udemy Courses

  • Understand Rest API
  • Prepared test cases in Java for Rest API
  • Rest Assured Library to automate API


  • Basic knowledge


API testing is integration testing of API which checks the functionality, performance & security aspects of APIs.

As GUI testing is difficult to maintain and requires a considerable amount of period, API has evolved as the primary testing of application logic.

APIs to be tested are those developed by the development team or third-party APIs which we would consume in our project.

API testing involves:

  • Calling the API with different parameter values
  • API boundary value conditions
  • Actions performed by API i.e. updating database, calling other API
  • Validating Response

Popular APIs which is used are REST implemented in JSON format, which we will be looking at during the course. Rest has become the most popular because it is light and easy to maintain.

Rest-assured is a library developed by Jaway which is the best open-source library specially designed to automate Rest API. It also supports XML and JSON Requests/Responses.

No need for any tool when you need to automate API, simple coding skills will let you perfect the automation of API, which will be taught during the course.


  • Request can be easily prepared and sent over the internet
  • Assertions in Response data
  • Clean code which is easy to be maintained

Who this course is for:

  • Manual/Automation testers
  • Developers
  • Managers, architects
  • Anyone in the industry who want to get knowledge of Rest API or how to automate them
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