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Battery and Fuel Cell Technologies advanced course

Battery and Fuel Cell Technologies advanced course
Battery and Fuel Cell Technologies advanced course

Battery and Fuel Cell Technologies advanced course

Learn all you can about battery and fuel cell technology, including how they function in contemporary culture.

What you’ll learn

  • The Evolution of Batteries
  • Electric Vehicles and Batteries
  • Sources of Chemical Energy
  • The Foundational Ideas Behind Batteries and Fuel Cells
  • ultracapacitors that are classified as fuel cells.
  • Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • NiMH, NiFe, and Cd
  • Lithium-ion Battery Types
  • Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries’ Electrodes


  • I was interested in learning more information about batteries.
  • The prerequisites are not necessary.


Global energy systems are going through a profound shift. As our reliance on fossil fuels continues to fall, we need more and different ways to power transportation.

There is still a long way to go until electric cars predominate the global automobile industry, even though today’s electric vehicles are virtually entirely powered by lithium-ion batteries. The widespread adoption of electric cars needs both regulatory backing and high-performance, low-cost energy storage technology, including both conventional batteries and other electrochemical devices. Here, we take a close look at a number of battery and fuel cell technologies that have the best chance of making it in the business world.

The two main components of electromobility and renewable energy are introduced in this course: batteries and fuel cells. Gaining a comprehensive grasp of the topic will benefit from learning from history, understanding the primary factors influencing global development, and developing a working knowledge of major technologies.

What you’ll discover

-History’s lessons to comprehend the dangers of electromobility in the near future.

The factors that are fueling the increase in demand for energy storage and electromobility and how they are changing the game.

-Principles of operation and “how it works” for batteries, fuel cells, and electric cars.

-The most common battery and fuel cell types

-How the chemistry of the electrode material determines battery properties.

Who this course is for:

  • Students
  • Engineers owners of electric vehicles
  • Electricians
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Technology enthusiasts

Electric vehicle technology from scratch

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