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Career Navigator: A Manager’s Guide to Career Development

Career Navigator: A Manager's Guide to Career Development
Career Navigator: A Manager's Guide to Career Development

Career Navigator: A Manager’s Guide to Career Development

Use introspection, goal setting, coaching, and mentorship to develop your and your employees’ careers

What you’ll learn

Career Navigator: A Manager’s Guide to Career Development

  • Use introspection, goal setting, and mentorship activities to help you develop your employees’ careers
  • Develop your career through introspection, goal setting, and mentorship
  • Identify your career values through reflection on your peak experiences in your career
  • Set career goals for yourself using the GROW model
  • Use coaching to help your employees identify their career values and set career goals
  • Identify a mentor to help you achieve your career goals
  • Mentor your employees to help them achieve their career goals


  • There is no prerequisite knowledge or materials required for this course.


Navigating your career can be tough, and helping your employees navigate their careers can be even tougher. However, employees are much more likely to leave their jobs if not allowed to talk about their careers, so as a manager you must learn how to do this. In this course, you will learn a three-step method for talking to your employees about their career development, involving introspection, goal setting, and mentorship. You will also learn how to use coaching and mentorship to guide your employees and colleagues through the activities from the course to help them develop their careers.

We’ll start the course by talking about career development today, how the idea of career development has changed over time and the types of career moves. Next, we’ll go into introspection, where you’ll complete an activity called Peak Experiences to reflect on the times in your career when you felt most engaged and identify career values. From there, we’ll work through a goal-setting method called GROW to set career goals that align with your values and peak experiences. Finally, we’ll talk about mentorship, why it’s important to help you achieve your goals, and how you can identify a mentor for yourself and act as a mentor for your employees.

By taking this course you are taking a meaningful step in navigating your career in a positive direction that engages you and makes you feel excited about your work. The tools and methods for reflecting on your career that are presented in this course will be useful to you for a long time and are meant to be revisited continuously as you grow and develop your career.  So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for people managers who manage one or more direct reports and want to help their employees grow and develop their careers.
  • This course is also for experienced professionals and managers who want to learn tools and resources they can use to grow and develop their careers.
  • This course is not for people who do not manage people directly.
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