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Cisco CCNP GNS3 Labs: Pass your CCNP exams with GNS3!

Cisco CCNP GNS3 Labs: Pass your CCNP exams with GNS3!
Cisco CCNP GNS3 Labs: Pass your CCNP exams with GNS3!

Cisco CCNP GNS3 Labs: Pass your CCNP exams with GNS3!

Are you ready to pass your CCNP exams? Check your knowledge of the 300-101 ROUTE, 300-115 SWITCH & 300-135 TSHOOT Exams!

What you’ll learn

Cisco CCNP GNS3 Labs: Pass your CCNP exams with GNS3!

  • Check your knowledge of CCNP Topics
  • Help prepare for the 300-101 ROUTE Exam
  • Help prepare for the 300-115 SWITCH Exam
  • Help prepare for the 300-135 TSHOOT Exam


  • Preparing for the Cisco CCNP Exams: 300-101 ROUTE, 300-115 SWITCH, and 300-135 TSHOOT
  • At least CCNA-level knowledge
  • Completed some theory of CCNP topics


This is a free GNS3 CCNP Labs course. The course helps you prepare for the following Cisco exams:

NOTE: I am adding more content to the course, so expect it to grow.

This course covers topics in the following Cisco exams:

1) 300-101 ROUTE Exam

2) 300-115 SWITCH Exam

3) 300-135 TSHOOT Exam

The course contains downloadable GNS3 project files which you can import into GNS3 and try yourself.

Note: You will need your own Cisco IOS images to complete labs yourself.

All the best!

David Bombal

Who this course is for:

  • CCNP Candidates
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