All Courses OOP Object Oriented Tutorials

Complete PHP Object Oriented Programming (OOP) tutorial-2022

Complete PHP Object Oriented Programming (OOP) tutorial-2022
Complete PHP Object Oriented Programming (OOP) tutorial-2022

Complete PHP Object Oriented Programming (OOP) tutorial-2022

This is the right place for you if you want to learn about PHP Object Oriented Programming (OOP). (77 examples from start to finish)

What you’ll learn

Complete PHP Object Oriented Programming (OOP) tutorial-2022

  • This course explains all of the PHP Object Oriented Programming ideas that you need to know.
  • This is how we came up with 77 new examples for each concept. At least two or three simple and meaningful ones for each.
  • If you go to an interview and they ask about OOP, you will be able to answer.
  • Getting used to the basics, which are hard at first, will let you move on to bigger projects.


  • People who know a little about PHP syntax and procedural programming.
    PHP has been installed on your computer. If you want it to be Windows, LINUX, or macOS, you can do that.
    There are free text editors like Notepad++, Sublime Text, and VisualStudio Code that you can use.


Hello, and welcome!

You might be having trouble learning PHP Object Oriented Programming as I did a few years ago.

As a result, there are very few books or videos on Object-Oriented Programming that cover all the important parts.

You’re in the right place now, because after I did a lot of research, I found all the basic concepts in books and online tutorials and tried to explain them to you with at least two or three simple and meaningful examples for each one.

What will be taught:

  • classes
  • properties
  • methods
  • objects
  • $this keyword
  • constructors & destructors
  • chaining method
  • modifiers for public and private access
  • inheritance and access modifiers
  • overriding
  • final keyword
  • Interface
  • abstract classes & abstract methods
  • methods and properties that aren’t dynamic
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • Data Abstraction
  • Type Hinting
  • Dependency Injection
  • Traits
  • Autoloading
  • Namespaces

It’s not enough to just practice these ideas. You also need to think up examples for each one.

if you follow my instructions, you will be able to explain these OOP concepts with your own examples if you need to in a job interview. That’s what I want you to do.

In this way, you will move from a procedural world to an object-oriented world, and you will be able to understand and help with bigger projects. Object-Oriented Programming will also help you write more modular and reusable code with less work and help you understand why it is so important to use it, too.

Who this course is for:

  • That’s why this class is for people who want to become more senior backend, web developers after taking it. PHP OOP basics are always hard to learn at first because they require a mind shift from the procedural world. That’s not all! This course will show you how to do this step-by-step!

Complete PHP Object Oriented Programming (OOP) tutorial-2022

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