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Crash Course in Sentence Diagramming (English Grammar) – Free Udemy Courses

Crash Course in Sentence Diagramming (English Grammar) - Free Udemy Courses
Crash Course in Sentence Diagramming (English Grammar) - Free Udemy Courses

Crash Course in Sentence Diagramming (English Grammar) – Free Udemy Courses

Learn almost all there is to know in 20 minutes or less!

What you’ll learn

Crash Course in Sentence Diagramming (English Grammar) – Free Udemy Courses

  • Fundamentals of grammar and sentence structure, including:
  • how to diagram 98% of sentences in the English language
  • over 40 grammatical terms and parts of speech
  • how to analyze the form, function, and structure of sentences


  • Curiosity and an urge to learn a lot — quickly!


Learn 90% of all sentence diagramming in 20 minutes or less!

The only way to diagram sentences is to know what you are talking about!  Thus, we are learning much more than how to identify subjects and verbs, where the predicate adjectives go, and so on.

Diagramming is one of the most powerful language tools we can add to our tool kit – as students, as teachers, and as communicators of all types. Diagramming certainly improves our grammar vocabulary and grammar awareness, but it also develops our intimacy with the English language, how it works, and what it can do.

By the end of this crash course, you will have 90-95% of the tools and knowledge you need to diagram the structure and meaning of almost any English language sentence.


Lesson 1: Most of What You Need is Right Here (7.5 minutes)

  • We work together through 10 levels of sentence complexity.
  • You learn how to recognize – and diagram – 20+ grammatical parts, including 7 of the 8 parts of speech; direct & indirect objects; dependent & independent clauses; coordinating conjunctions; participles; infinitives; subordinating conjunctions; gerunds; adverb clauses; adjectival prepositional phrases; compound-complex sentences; nouns; relative pronouns; and more.

Lesson 2: Three Sentences About Donuts (3.5 minutes)

  • This lesson reinforces Lesson 1 and also shows you how to recognize & diagram linking verbs, predicate adjectives, and interrogatives.

Lesson 3: Three Sentences About Dreams (5.5 minutes)

  • This lesson reinforces Lectures 1 and 2 and also shows you how to recognize & diagram appositives and noun clauses.


  • Take a peek at “The Look of Language”

Who this course is for:

  • STUDENTS who wish to significantly improve their writing, reading, and grammar;
  • PARENTS who are noticing an undervaluing of grammar in schools or who simply want to help their child;
  • TEACHERS looking to strengthen their understanding, confidence, and teaching repertoire. I have found consistently: that once you introduce diagramming into your toolkit, you’ll never turn back again;
  • SCHOOL DISTRICTS that want their teachers and students to master this stuff — once and for all;
  • ANYONE who wants to simply improve his or her grammar.
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Crash Course in Sentence Diagramming (English Grammar) – Free Udemy Courses

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