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You don’t need to exercise, diet, or keep track of calories if you eat foods that burn fat. You’ll be thin, respected, and confident.

What you’ll learn


  • When you make your own personalized, printable meal plan, you’ll be able to figure out what works best for YOU so that you can lose the most weight. l
  • Macronutrients for a Healthy Weight Loss:
  • Learn which Proteins, Carbs, and Fats will help you lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life, so you can stay healthy.
  • Scientific research that can help you lose weight:
  • As long as you have evidence and studies to back up your weight loss tips, you’ll have a lot of confidence that they can work for you, too.
  • It’s on the “Hungry-killer Shopping List.”
  • People have tried more than 100 recipes and meals and found them to be healthy, simple, and effective. You can do the same!
  • Using interactive videos to learn:
  • Videos that are both interesting and inspirational make it easy to follow, understand, and learn how to make your weight loss journey a success.
  • Take a look at how much weight you lost:
  • What to measure for healthy, safe weight loss will be found. In this case, it’s not just your weight!
  • Find the foods that are most nutrient-dense for you, so that you feel full and get all the vitamins and minerals you need. You’ll also be able to lose weight!
  • What are your weight-loss goals?
  • You’ll figure out what weight loss success looks like for you, so you can set a goal that works for you.
  • Over $700 worth:
  • It comes with your 7-day Meal Plan, Scientific Weight Loss Research, Hunger-Killer Shopping List, and Interactive Video Training from certified Bulletproof and HumaPro trainers, all of which are made by people who have done the training.


  • You may have tried to lose weight before.
  • You might have done well.
  • The weight keeps coming back.
  • Because it might be even tougher the next time.
  • You might know about certain diets and foods that help people lose weight.
  • It’s great to have all of these experiences, as well as a lot of knowledge about how to lose weight before you do it.
  • However, there is good news: You don’t need any previous experience or knowledge to take this class!
  • It doesn’t matter if you have any experience with nutrition or dieting.
  • As long as you start the course with an open mind, you can be successful!


Easy 7-DAY MEAL PLAN for Lifelong WEIGHT LOSS – Find the foods that work best for you to finally lose weight and keep it off for good. You don’t need to work out, count calories, or follow strict diets to do this.

Sounds like a strong claim, doesn’t it?

How could it not be? Because I’ve looked at what foods work best for a lot of other people and found a plan that works for you as well.

More about me: I’m a person who:

  1. As a teacher, I’ve worked for the past 17+ years. I’ve helped 500+ people lose weight.
  2. As a health, fitness, and nutrition expert for more than seven years, I know what I’m talking about!
  3. Bulletproof and human potential Coach: Certified Bulletproof and human potential Coach:
  4. Biohacker: I went to Bulletproof Upgrade Labs to learn how to be a Biohacker Tech and then worked there.

The most important thing that people wanted when I asked them what they wanted to do was:


So now, I’m on a mission to find the most simple, healthy, and effective ways to help them lose weight and keep it off for good.

It’s likely that you already know that dieting for long-term weight loss doesn’t work…

Weight loss has a lot of problems, like these:

  1. In the long run, it gets more difficult to lose weight. Even if you do, the weight keeps coming back.
  2. So it’s hard to figure out who and what you can trust.
  3. Choosing the right foods for simple, healthy, and long-term weight loss.


You can make your own 7-day meal plan for simple weight loss. This is why you need to make your own meal plan. You can print it out and use it to figure out what works best for you.

If you want to lose weight, you can’t just follow one diet that works for everyone. What works is when you use your meal plan.

You’ll know which foods work best for you, and you’ll get evidence that these diet tips have worked for a lot of people (many of them, like you!).

When you try to lose weight, you might not be able to stay on a diet or the weight loss plan doesn’t work.

Often, they were made for a specific person or type of person.

“One size fits all” isn’t what you need, so they’re not going to help you.

Find foods that work best for you and make your own meal plan. This is the only way to lose weight and keep it off!

During this course, you will learn how to lose weight and keep it off for good. You won’t have to work out, eat a strict diet, or count calories to do it.


In this class, you’ll get the best weight loss resources you can find anywhere.

  1. This is a 7-day food and diet plan for people who want to lose weight. This is why you need to make your own meal plan. You can print it out and use it to figure out what works best for you.
  2. Macronutrients: Find out which proteins, carbs, and fats will help you lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life!
  3. Evidence and studies will give you the confidence and peace of mind that these weight loss tips will work for you (as they have for millions of people) to reach your weight loss goals!
  4. Hunger-killer Shopping List: 100+ recipes and meals that have been proven to make people feel full, so you can lose weight in a healthy, simple, and effective way, too!
  5. Irresistible and inspirational videos make it easy to follow, understand and learn about how to make your weight loss journey a success. They also make it fun!
  6. Make sure you measure your weight loss success: You’ll find out what to do for healthy, sensible weight loss. In this case, it’s not just your weight!
  7. Find the foods that are most nutrient-dense for you, so that you feel full and get all the vitamins and minerals you need. You’ll also lose weight because you’ll eat less.
  8. Weight loss goals: You’ll figure out what success looks like for you so that you have a goal to reach that works for you!
  9. You’ll get weight loss and diet tips that haven’t been talked about anywhere else! You can look through the course content to see for yourself what it is like.
Everything (except the weight) is yours to keep.

Who this course is for:

  • It’s for anyone who wants to lose weight but doesn’t know which foods to eat.
  • You need to lose at least 10 pounds.
  • The foods you want to eat should burn fat, boost energy, and improve your general health and immunity.
  • Find the foods that work best for you to finally lose weight and keep it off for good. You don’t need to work out, count calories, or follow strict diets to do this.
  • You might already know which foods are good for losing weight, but you could use some help.
  • A meal plan that you can use for the rest of your life will help you lose weight and keep it off for good.
  • Sounds like a strong claim, doesn’t it? Well, I’ve read the books and tried the programs and diets; and, when I looked at what foods work best for millions of people, I found a plan that will work for you, too.
  • I’m a certified Bulletproof and Human Potential Coach, and I’ve been working with myself and hundreds of other people to improve their health and well-being for more than seven years. More about me: I’m a person who: I have been a professional teacher for 17 years and I have helped 500+ people lose weight.
  • 2. I’ve been a health, fitness, and nutrition consultant and researcher for more than seven years now. In this third place, we have a certified Bulletproof and
  • Human Potential Coach. At Bulletproof Upgrade Lab, I was trained and worked as a Biohacker Tech, and I learned a lot from them. It was the most important thing that my students wanted to do when I asked them what they wanted the most. So now, I’m on a mission to find the most simple, healthy, and effective ways to help them lose weight and keep it off for good.
  • It’s likely that you already know that dieting for long-term weight loss does not work. Weight loss has a lot of problems, like these: The weight keeps coming back even if you lose weight. 2. There’s a lot of information, so it’s hard to know who and what you can trust. In this part, you’ll learn how to eat the right foods for simple, healthy, and long-term weight loss.
  • You can make your own 7-day meal plan for simple weight loss. This is why you need to make your own meal plan. You can print it out and use it to figure out what works best for you.
  • If you want to lose weight, you can’t just follow one diet that works for everyone. What works is when you use your meal plan. You’ll know which foods work best for you, and you’ll get evidence that these diet tips have worked for a lot of people (many of them, like you!).
  • When you try to lose weight, you might not be able to stay on a diet or the weight loss plan doesn’t work. Often, they were made for a specific person or type of person. “One size fits all” isn’t what you need, so they’re not going to help you. Find foods that work best for you and make your own meal plan. This is the only way to lose weight and keep it off!
  • During this course, you will learn how to lose weight and keep it off for good. You won’t have to work out, eat a strict diet, or count calories to do it.
  • In this class, you’ll get the best weight loss resources you can find anywhere.
  • This is a 7-day food and diet plan for people who want to lose weight. This is why you need to make your own meal plan. You can print it out and use it to figure out what works best for you.
  • Macronutrients for a Healthy Weight Loss: It will help you learn which foods help you lose weight and keep it off for good.
  • Scientific research that can help you lose weight: When you see evidence and studies, you’ll have the confidence and peace of mind to know that these weights
  • loss tips can and will work for you (as they have worked for a lot of people).
  • It’s on the “Hungry-killer Shopping List.” Do you want to lose weight in a way that’s healthy, simple, and effective? Then this book is for you! It has more than 100 recipes and meals that have been proven to satisfy the hunger of many people.
  • Irresistible and inspirational videos make it easy to follow, understand and learn about how to make your weight loss journey a success. They also make it fun!
  • Make sure you measure your weight loss success: You’ll find out what to do for healthy, sensible weight loss. In this case, it’s not just your weight!
  • Find the foods that are most nutrient-dense for you, so that you feel full and get all the vitamins and minerals you need. You’ll also lose weight, because you’ll eat less.
  • What are your weight-loss goals? You’ll figure out what weight loss success looks like for you, so you can set a goal that works for you.
  • There are new ways to lose weight and eat healthily. You’ll learn things that aren’t covered anywhere else! You can look through the course content to see for yourself what it is like.
  • You can get your money back from Udemy if you don’t like the course for any reason. Everything (except the weight) is yours to keep.
  • What are you going to do next? **JOIN NOW** before this rare chance passes away!


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