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Embracing Autism – Free Udemy Courses

Embracing Autism - Free Udemy Courses
Embracing Autism - Free Udemy Courses

Embracing Autism – Free Udemy Courses

Understanding and supporting young learners with autism

What you’ll learn

Embracing Autism – Free Udemy Courses

  • Define autism
  • Identify behavioral characteristics of young learners with autism
  • Describe goals and environments that best support young learners with autism
  • Discuss educational strategies that help young learners with autism effectively


  • No requirements or prerequisites


This course is aimed at informing and raising awareness of the characteristics of young learners with autism spectrum disorder and how they may present unique instructional differentiation in educational settings. Practical and teacher-friendly educational strategies in helping learners within the spectrum achieve optimal success in school will also be covered.

In other words, this course explores the learning needs of young learners with autism. A sharing of several ways to support young learners within the spectrum will be offered. Other aspects of the course include the teaching and learning goals and environment that best support young learners with autism.

The course is suitable for anyone who is interested in understanding and learning more about teaching young children with autism or wants to develop a basic understanding of autism. This course explores the five main behavioral characteristics commonly shown by individuals with autism, namely: social skills differences, communication differences, intellectual functioning skills, sensory issues, and resistance towards change. In sum, understanding how an individual with autism may think, behave and learn. In the second part of the course, two basic educational or teaching strategies will be shared, namely: the use of picture activity schedules and social stories in helping individuals with autism in coping with changes in their daily routines and as well as learning how to cope with social situations or events which they may otherwise find overwhelming.

Who this course is for:

  • Open to anyone interested to learn more about teaching young learners with autism
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