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Faith Working Through Love – Free Udemy Courses

Faith Working Through Love - Free Udemy Courses
Faith Working Through Love - Free Udemy Courses

Faith Working Through Love – Free Udemy Courses

Discover how Biblical wisdom can help you find meaning in your work

What you’ll learn

Faith Working Through Love – Free Udemy Courses

  • Students will gain an appreciation and understanding of how one’s everyday work life intersects with faith in King Jesus.
  • Students will find out how the various cultures surrounding the Christians would have viewed them and how important work was viewed in the ancient world.
  • Students will understand the various problems that arise when a new ‘family’, called the ‘people of God, begin to live in the light of a Gospel of grace and love.


  • A recent translation of the Bible
  • A curious mind


We are all engaged in some kind of work, whether it comes with a paycheck or not. Regardless of the kind of work you do, from bussing tables to taking care of your home and family, to managing a business, chances are you want to find meaning in your endeavors.

In this intriguing online course, Professor N.T. Wright examines a series of Biblical texts that discuss how Christians should consider the work they do.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in creating a more meaningful life through Biblical wisdom
  • Clergy looking for resources or inspiration to enhance their sermons and other work in the church, as well as their ongoing spiritual journey
  • Fans of N.T. Wright is interested in Professor Wright’s insights on bringing more spirituality to their work life
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