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Free Yin Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training

Free Yin Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training
Free Yin Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training

Free Yin Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training

Certified Yin Yoga Teacher Training for aspiring Yin Yoga Teachers

What you’ll learn

Free Yin Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training

  • Learn what is Yin yoga
  • Learn all the main benefits of a Yin yoga practice for body, mind, and spirit
  • Learn about the stages of a yin yoga practice
  • Gain an understanding of the physical and mental challenges to a yin yoga practice
  • Understand the purpose of the rebound within Yin yoga
  • Experience in yoga full body class for wellness with 2 FREE classes


  • No program experience is required. This course is suitable for all levels.


Learn all the fundamentals of this beautiful style of yoga.

We can think of active yoga styles, such as Ashtanga, Iyengar, Hatha & Vinyasa as “yang” yoga as their main focus is on your muscles. Whereas Yin yoga targets your deeper connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments & joints. We hold each yoga asana for longer periods to maximize a deep stretch & for the body & to completely surrender to relaxation. The practice encourages mindful steady conscious breathing, as well as listening to your body & observing the mind. Allowing you to reconnect both body & mind & return to a sense of wholeness.

In this short training, you will grasp what is Yin yoga practice and all the main benefits. This free training includes-

  • What is Yin yoga

• The origin of ‘Yin’

• Connection to the meridian system

• Understanding Fascia, our connective tissue

• Causes of tension within the body

• Physical, emotional and mental connectivity

• How the Yin yoga practice differs from more Yang styles

  • The benefits of Yin yoga

• Body/mind balance

• Benefits to the physical body

• Connections to the energetic body

• Impact on the nervous system

• Releasing old wounds

• Increasing sensing abilities

• Developing introspection

  • Yin Yoga Class -The 5 Stages of a Yin Yoga Practice

We can think of active yoga styles, such as Ashtanga, Iyengar, Hatha & Vinyasa as “yang” yoga as their main focus is on your muscles. Whereas Yin yoga targets your deeper connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments & joints. In Yin yoga, we want to hold each yoga asana for longer periods to maximize a deep stretch into the fascia-focused areas.

We can use many variations/props within the chosen shapes that allow us to relax within the target area. Within this stillness, we can then become receptive & reflective of what’s happening within & around the body.

We can become more aware of our own body’s innate wisdom & intelligence, & learn to ‘just’ listen. Learning to really ‘hear’ the ‘Self’ sounds easy, but Yin yoga can be challenging, in many ways & for different reasons. But, also such a very rewarding practice.


Ever wondered why we include a rebound within the Yin yoga practice?. There are many physical, mental & energetic benefits as to why we include it within the practice, & also many ways we can creatively include it within our Yin sequencing. Here is a short video explaining the rebound & why we include it within a Yin yoga practice.

  • Yin Yoga as a Bitter/Sweet Practice – Physical & Mental Challenges

A misconception is to think Yin yoga is easy. That seems to stem from a notion that Yin Yoga is a form of restorative yoga.

Although on the yoga styles scale it would certainly come closest to Restorative yoga, there are some essential differences in the practice.

Yin yoga is a “Bitter-Sweet” practice that is both meditative & nourishing, yet brings its own physical & mental challenges. There are four fundamental bittersweet stages we can experience during this beautiful style.


Explore all these fundamentals within the 2 PHYSICAL PRACTICES  for the hips/lower body and shoulders/upper body.

These practices will not only increase flexibility & joint health but also release excess emotion & negativity we can store inside both body & mind.

Variations are given to suit all levels of ability and skeletal structures.


Use whatever props you have available. I recommend:

  • Yoga mat or thick towel
  • Yoga Blocks or two cushions or pillows
  • Bolster optional

By the end of this FREE course, you will have grasped a wider understanding of the Yin yoga style, and the main benefits to evoke wellness and balance in both body and mind.

Who this course is for:

  • Whether you are new to Yin yoga, a yoga practitioner of other styles, a teacher or healer, wishing to deepen your skills & knowledge of Yin yoga
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