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Get the Universe Working For You Free Module 1

Get the Universe Working For You Free Module 1
Get the Universe Working For You Free Module 1

Get the Universe Working For You Free Module 1

Discover the Secret Language of the Universe and its Messages to You

What you’ll learn

Get the Universe Working For You Free Module 1

  • Discover how to analyze the messages life is giving you
  • Learn to use your body and science to read the Universal messages
  • Introduction to regaining your power to get off the Matrix
  • Identify your negative beliefs and programs created in childhood
  • Introduction to learn the secrets of success
  • Introduction to get an advantage in life and free yourself from negative thinking
  • Introduction to change your life from living painfully to living with insight
  • Understand the capabilities of the Advanced Forensic Healing Course


  • Resources to watch videos online, ability to follow steps, and complete exercises outlined in the workbook


This first free module of “Get the Universe Working for You” will uncover your blocks and obstacles to manifest abundance, relationships, health, career, and happiness. 

You will discover the secret language of the Universe and how to communicate with the Universe to get exactly what you want!

Even if you are a newbie to understanding how your life is influenced or well-versed in universal concepts or self-development, there is something new you’ll discover about yourself and the Universe.

Guaranteed a life-changing experience as you become empowered, awakened, released, free, and more spiritually aligned.  Time to stop living groundhog day, get off the rat wheel and disconnect from the Matrix. Please note: this course is specifically designed for women.

These essential life skills reveal techniques to access your innate healing powers, discernment, intuitive abilities, and personal guidance system.

This free Module 1 includes:

  1. Analyze the Messages Life is Giving You
  2. Use Your Body and Science to Read the Universal Messages

Please note this course contains Module 1 only. 

The entire paid “Get the Universe Working for You” online course contains Modules 1- 4  which cover: 

  1. Analyze the Messages Life is Giving You
  2. Use Your Body and Science to Read the Universal Messages
  3. Remove Negative Cords, Curses, and Imprints from Past Stresses/Traumas
  4. Tap Into Spiritual Guidance to Awaken Your Soul’s Purpose
  5. Restore Your Vitality by Removing Connections that Siphon Your Energy
  6. Reverse the Negative Patterns and Beliefs that Control Your Life
  7. Convert Problems into Your Power to Rebuilding A New Foundation

Who this course is for:

  • You feel something is missing in your life
  • You are searching for life’s answers or feeling stuck
  • You want to break through the glass ceiling barriers
  • You are about humanity and the planet
  • You are open to innovative ideas and concepts
  • Do you lead in your industry or want to become a leader
  • You want to know the secrets of success
  • You want to change your life into something better
  • You recognize changes come within first for you to get what you want
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