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How to Learn Sanskrit from Stories by analyzing sentences – Free Udemy Courses

How to Learn Sanskrit from Stories by analyzing sentences - Free Udemy Courses
How to Learn Sanskrit from Stories by analyzing sentences - Free Udemy Courses

How to Learn Sanskrit from Stories by analyzing sentences – Free Udemy Courses

Learn Sanskrit from lively stories

What you’ll learn

How to Learn Sanskrit from Stories by analyzing sentences – Free Udemy Courses

  • Learn to identify different Sanskrit words and how they are used in sentences
  • Learn to identify different Sentence Constructions and how the words are related in a sentence
  • Learn to know the root of a word from any Vibhakti form (case ending) and various verb forms
  • Learn to identify Active, Passive, and Impersonal Voice sentences


  • None. Just interested to learn the Sanskrit Language. Prior exposure to the Sanskrit language will be advantageous
  • You can get the most out of this course to know your skills in the Sanskrit language


Learning a language through stories is one of the easiest ways to understand sentence constructions. Because in a story, we get a variety of scenes and characters, the dialog between characters will be very lively to compare it with our day-to-day experience in life.

If you observe the sentences, you will find most of the words used in a language are repeatedly used, and by reading such words into the context of the dialog, we get a clear idea about the usage of such words and how the words give different meanings according to the scenery.

If you want to speak in a language, then you need to construct sentences that are native to that language, and people of that language can easily understand your expression since every language has its ways of speaking our mind. We get such native dialogs we need to construct while speaking out in that language.

Moreover, as we read stories, without our knowledge intuitively we will guess the meaning of words based on the scenery and dialogs by comparing it with other story dialogs. This way we will be learning more and more vocabulary of the language.

Instead of byhearting thousands of words, we will naturally learn by repeatedly coming across such words in dialogs.

Using story reading we not only learn new words but also get clarity on how to use a word in proper form.

This course will give an idea of how the story is analyzed for different words and the relations between words in a sentence. My other courses will give you a clear picture of the Sanskrit language structure (Course-1, Course-2 & Course-3) and you can apply all that you learned from my earlier courses in this course and similar line, you can learn to analyze 50 stories from my “Applied Sanskrit by 50 Vikram Vetal Story Sentence Analytics” course.

Hope you find this course interesting and infusing interest in you to learn the Sanskrit Language.

I wish you all the best and request you to give it a try…

Who this course is for:

  • For Absolute Beginners, interested to learn the Sanskrit language
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How to Learn Sanskrit from Stories by analyzing sentences – Free Udemy Courses

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