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Introductory Photography Course

Introductory Photography Course
Introductory Photography Course

Introductory Photography Course

The fastest way to get off ‘Auto’ mode and unlock the creative potential of your camera.

What you’ll learn

Introductory Photography Course

  • Everything from the basics of how your camera works and correct technique through to setting your AF mode, AF points, and resolution.
  • My top 10 tips for framing up great photos, covering everything from the rule of thirds and leading lines, through to what to look for in the background and more…
  • What makes your photos come out brighter or darker, how to control exposure with exposure compensation, looks at different metering modes, histogram graphs, and more, ending with practical session #1
  • Aperture and Depth Of Field, what it is, the easy way to understand and control it…


  • A camera! That’s about it!


I’ve been running this 1-day photography course around Australia & New Zealand since 2009, helping several thousand people gain more enjoyment from their passion – one small group at a time. However, as we’re now busier than ever running our Photography Tours, the time has come to throw open the doors and let everyone enjoy it! Divided into sequential sections, each video features plenty of examples, animations, and easy-to-understand explanations to guide you right through from basic camera setup and composition to aperture, shutter speed, exposure compensation, ISO, lighting, and lenses, histograms, white balance and so much more! The first 5 parts are ready to watch for FREE!

Who this course is for:

  • We’ve had people attend the course pulling their camera out of the plastic wrap and turning it on for the first time, and they too find the course invaluable and still well-paced.
  • Suitable for all cameras? Yes for sure! All the theory is the same across all camera types and brands, and as you’ll see in my examples and diagrams, I include the various terminology, mode-setting names, etc used across the full range of cameras. While most of my examples are using a full-on DSLR camera, things like mirrorless, micro 4/3rd cameras, and even bridge / compact cameras, etc can do virtually all the same things – sometimes the features might just be buried in a menu somewhere, and/or the effects can be less dramatic – but it’s all there, waiting to be unleashed! Even if all you use is a smartphone camera, there are still loads of tips you’ll pick up on this course to greatly improve your photography – things like composition, lighting, exposure, practical tips, etc – all that stuff 100% apply to all photography, irrespective of what type of camera you have!
  • What makes this course great? Read the reviews – people always come away inspired and full of new understanding. The summary clip-cards and course notes handbook also go a long way to maximizing the ongoing value of my course, so you can refer to them either in times of need or just when you’ve got some time to kill and want to brush up without having to stream the videos all over again.
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