Free Udemy Courses

Kubernetes: Getting Started

Kubernetes: Getting Started
Kubernetes: Getting Started

Kubernetes: Getting Started

Learn the basics of Container Orchestration Engine and Kubernetes to get started in the world of Kubernetes.

What you’ll learn

  • Kubernetes basics.
  • Next, we will understand why we need a good Container Orchestration Engine and see why Kubernetes is your go-to option
  • Then, we will build and administer production-grade Kubernetes clusters on the go, on-cloud, and as well as locally on your laptop
  • After that, you will get an depth understanding of what are Pods, how do they connect and communicate, and finally will show you how to write Pod manifest file and deploy it on Kubernetes
  • Then, we will go through managing application protection and high-availability using ReplicaSet, ReplicationController, and DaemonSet,
  • Finally, using nodePort Service, I will show you how to expose applications on to the internet using NodePort service.


  • A basic understanding of YAML syntax, Linux Commands, Docker, Containers, and Google Cloud is a plus. But, not mandatory


Please kindly consider “before you rate and review” this course:  This is just a getting started the course and it is a FREE course. Due to its limitation, I could not accommodate everything in it. All course materials (YAML Files and PPTs) are part of the main course (Kubernetes Made Easy). This course will help you get started with understanding the basics of Kubernetes at a very high level.

If you are interested in completing the Kubernetes course, then your best option is “Kubernetes Made Easy“. I have put 9 months of my effort and time into making it. As a result of it, It is now trending as one of the top Kubernetes courses on Udemy.

If there are any improvements/suggestions this course needs, then please kindly email me at I will take that necessary action as soon as possible.

Finally, a big shout-out to my YouTube subscribers and followers who are the main motivators behind my entry into Udemy. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible.

Thank you, guys:

Srinath, you are the best. Your series covers everything. Folks, if you are interested in all nuts and bolts of Kubernetes, watching the Srinath series is A MUST !!!! – Mathew K’s comment @ Containers video

Mr. Srinath, I don’t know – how to thank you. These are excellent kubernets videos, which I come across so far. Every small concept is cleared in detail. A sincere and humble request for you to put some videos for G-Cloud and Docker. – Vijay’s comment @ Pods video

Gone through various Kubernetes paid courses too. But this series is the best so far. It is helping me to understand every smaller component and configuration of K8S in a very practical manner. Thanks for the effort and time you have devoted to making this course. 🙂 – Vivek @ NodePort Service

I have no words for your explanation, it’s simply superb… I’m very confused after seeing too many videos for Kubernetes architecture, now I’m pretty confident and clear about it… Thanks a lot…  – Anil K @ Kubernetes Architecture

Who this course is for:

  • DevOps Engineer, Developers, Admins, or Anyone interested to learn about Kubernetes.
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