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Maven Quick Start: A Fast Introduction to Maven by Example – Free Udemy Courses

Maven Quick Start: A Fast Introduction to Maven by Example - Free Udemy Courses
Maven Quick Start: A Fast Introduction to Maven by Example - Free Udemy Courses

Maven Quick Start: A Fast Introduction to Maven by Example – Free Udemy Courses

A software engineer’s starter guide to Apache Maven using step-by-step tutorials.

What you’ll learn

Maven Quick Start: A Fast Introduction to Maven by Example – Free Udemy Courses

  • Understand the key concepts in Maven
  • Install and Configure Maven on Mac and Windows platforms
  • Build Java projects using Maven
  • Find and manage dependencies in Maven
  • Use Maven with Eclipse
  • Integrate Git source control with Maven projects


  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Ability to install the software (may require admin rights)


The Maven Quick Start course is designed to cut academic theory to just the key concepts and focus on basic tasks in Maven to be productive quickly. The lessons and examples provided are delivered in a step-by-step, detailed way to ensure mastery of the skills and topics covered.

Course Outline

Introduction walks through the course goals, approach, and the core concepts of Maven.

After that, we breeze through the installation of all required tools in the Quick Installation section. The full step-by-step installation process is available in the Bonus sections.

In Setup and Getting Help, we cover how to ask for help in Maven. We also download the course working files on GitHub.

With the formalities out of the way, we dive into a Maven Quick Start By Example, walking the foundational aspects of Maven using a sample application.

After the basics are covered, we explore Maven Plugins in more detail by customizing our project using them.

One of the key aspects of Maven is how it handles Dependencies. We go deeper by adding dependencies from Maven Central and explore the role of scopes with dependencies in Maven.

Then we improve our project by Unit Testing — where we add JUnit tests, and deal with (and avoid) testing failures. Finally, the last section of the main part of this course is dedicated to running Maven within Eclipse using the M2Eclipse plugin.

Finally, we will look at Using Archetypes to jump-start Maven projects by using a template system.

During the entire course, we get into a habit of saving our changes periodically using Git source control.

Course Features

Presentations provide audio/video training on conceptual ideas. Since few like slide-ware presentations, slide presentations are kept to a minimum.

Over 2 hours of Screencasts provide a video of the instructor’s computer system with any actions, commands, or screens displayed and narrated.

Project files and examples are all available on GitHub.

This course is fully closed captioned!

Who this course is for:

  • Java developers
  • Developers unfamiliar with Maven
  • DevOps Engineers
  • IT Managers that want an overview of Maven
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