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SAP Debugging for Functional Consultants

SAP Debugging for Functional Consultants
SAP Debugging for Functional Consultants

SAP Debugging for Functional Consultants

A quick and easy guide to SAP ABAP debugging for Functional Consultants

What you’ll learn

SAP Debugging for Functional Consultants

  • Debug User exits and BadIs
  • Quickly identify issues in SAP that are beyond configuration


  • Just a dash of curiosity


** Disclaimer ** –

  1. I do NOT do Live Training. SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and many other countries. I am NOT associated with SAP.
  2. SAP software and SAP GUI are proprietary SAP software. Neither Udemy nor me are authorized to provide SAP Access. You can officially get SAP Access to practice on the SAP system from SAP’s website. I am not allowed by Udemy to place a link here. Please google “SAP Access” and you can find the URL for the same.

Debugging for SAP functional consultants is typically a gray area. The moment SAP’s expected functionality does not work ‘as expected‘ the only panic button SAP functional consultants use is SPRO. But soon we hit a wall. There are only so many options that SPRO offers – there is so much more in ABAP customization that changes the way standard SAP functions.

Welcome to ABAP debugging – With a good knowledge of debugging, you don’t need to rush to your ABAP consultant at every glitch. This course gives you the knowledge and mindset required to debug ABAP-based customization – like user exits, BadIs, Z Programs, and reports. While these come naturally to ABAP consultants, it takes a bit of guidance for us functional consultants to understand and use debugging to solve those hard-to-find bugs that are caused due to ABAP-based customization. This course does just that – guide an SAP functional consultant to be able to debug ABAP programs themselves.

Who this course is for:

  • Any SAP Functional Consultant
  • Any SAP consultant who wants to understand how to debug simple ABAP Programs
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