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Statistics and data literacy for non-statisticians

Statistics and data literacy for non-statisticians
Statistics and data literacy for non-statisticians

Statistics and data literacy for non-statisticians

Learn the key terms and analysis methods in statistics

What you’ll learn

Statistics and data literacy for non-statisticians

  • Important terms in statistics
  • Overviews of the most important statistical methods


  • None!


Welcome to this short course on statistics literacy! The purpose of this course is to teach you about basic statistical terminology and foundational concepts. You will learn the meaning of key terms in statistics, such as p-value, ANOVA, variance, t-test, etc.

If you are brand-new to statistics, then this is the right course for you. It’s a beginner-level course, so if you’ve already taken a statistics course, or read a statistics book, then you might find all of the material covered in this course to be familiar. In that case, you can browse through the course and see if there are some concepts you need to brush up on. You don’t necessarily need to go through the entire course in order — you can skip around to the videos you are most interested in learning from.

By the end of this course, you will feel more comfortable talking about and reading about commonly used statistical analysis methods. You’ll also be able to engage in conversations with people who focus on technical or statistical issues, business analytics, and so on.

Please note that this course does not cover the math of the analyses, nor the software to perform statistical analyses. I show a few basic formulas, but the focus is much more on conceptual understanding than mathematical detail.

Who this course is for:

  • People unfamiliar with statistics but who want to learn the basics!
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