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The best exercises to relieve low back pain – Free Udemy Courses

The best exercises to relieve low back pain - Free Udemy Courses
The best exercises to relieve low back pain - Free Udemy Courses

The best exercises to relieve low back pain – Free Udemy Courses

Strength development of body stabilizers for people with low back pain

What you’ll learn

The best exercises to relieve low back pain – Free Udemy Courses

  • You will learn how to relieve low back pain and strengthen your core stabilizers
  • The course illustrates a series of techniques that allow a person to relieve the low back pain, re-support and re-strengthen the low back region
  • Exercise program will help you reduce and in some cases eliminate the pain in the lower back region.
  • You will get a basic and a more advanced set of exercises in order to account for the differences in physical fitness level of the patients.


  • Base requirements are: fitness mat, rug or soft surface, and a lot of will
  • Advance requirements are: walking poles, ball


The main purpose of this course is to design a comprehensive exercise program for the development of core strength and stability in patients with low back pain. We conduct an extensive and thorough analytical literature review of the existing research on the topic and develop an exercise program that helps to reduce and in some cases eliminate the pain in the lower back region.

Lastly, in developing our exercise program, we methodically divide the program into two consecutive segments. For each segment, we propound a basic and a more advanced set of exercises to account for the differences in the physical fitness level of the patients. Each exercise is meticulously expounded and the possibility of program modulation is accounted for.

Low back pain

According to some estimates, between 60% and 80% of people experience back pain at least once in their lifetime. Most of these pains occur in the lower or lumbar spine. Due to back problems and pain, on average, each worker loses three working days a year.

The eternal question is also whether to rest during the pain in the upper or lower back or to move rather. There has long been a belief that the best treatment and recovery for low back pain is prolonged rest or lying down. However, lying in bed for more than two days only harms the situation as the bones and muscles become weaker, the body becomes stunted, loses physical strength, the person may fall into depression and the muscles become weaker, the pain increases even more and each time it is even harder for the person to get back on their feet and function normally forward

Who this course is for:

  • anyone looking for a well-designed, proven exercise program designed to help them relieve back pain
  • anyone people who want to achieve back pain relief in the least invasive way possible,
  • anyone who suffers from acute or chronic low back pain,
  • anyone who sits a lot and would like to be more active again,
  • athletes who have recurring back pain
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