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Understanding Colossians – Free Udemy Courses

Understanding Colossians - Free Udemy Courses
Understanding Colossians - Free Udemy Courses

Understanding Colossians – Free Udemy Courses

Using Ancient Bible Study methods, culture, and Aramaic to understand Paul’s Letter

What you’ll learn

Understanding Colossians – Free Udemy Courses

  • To study the letter to the church at Colossae+ through the Aramaic Eye
  • Learn that this letter was sent to a Jewish Messianic community with some Gentiles in it
  • Learn to recognize Aramaic figures of speech
  • To learn what Paul thought about Jesus


  • I suggest you take the course on “The New Testament was written in Aramaic” that I developed.


The class is an examination of Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae using Ancient Bible Study methods, culture, and Aramaic to understand Paul’s Letter. You will also experience a discussion about why this church was originally a Jewish Messianic church. This letter was originally written in Aramaic. This is a theory as much as the church saying that it was written in Greek. The Greek Bible the Catholics and protestants cling to was not put together until 1535 CE by Erasmus. The church used the Latin Vulgate Bible. The Reformation was in 1519 and Luther decided to use the Greek New Testament. The Peshitta, the Aramaic version of the New Testament was put together in 150 CE and has been used in the Near East since. Also, there are clear indications that the church was a Messianic Jewish church with a small amount of Gentiles joining. There is a commentary book that will help you learn even more than the lectures. It is available on Amazon and is titled “Understanding Colossians.” It is highly recommended that you get it. You should take the course “The New Testament was written in Aramaic” before this class. Have an open mind before you start. The church has been telling us that Paul never wrote in Aramaic and that is not a fact, it is a theory. Yes, the same can be said that he wrote in Aramaic.

Who this course is for:

  • Bible students
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