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Blazor and Python Django Full Stack Web Development

Blazor and Python Django Full Stack Web Development learn to create a full stack web application from scratch using Python Django and Blazor.
Blazor and Python Django Full Stack Web Development learn to create a full stack web application from scratch using Python Django and Blazor.

Blazor and Python Django Full Stack Web Development

learn to create a full stack web application from scratch using Python Django and Blazor.

What you’ll learn

Blazor and Python Django Full Stack Web Development

  • Full Stack Web Development
  • Blazor Front End Web Development
  • Django Backend Web Development with SQL Server, Mongo DB, My SQL, Postgre SQL, and SQLite
  • Build RESTful APIs


  • basic HTML, CSS, javascript, and python programming


The demand for a Full-Stack Web Developer is the highest compared to any technology professional. They are paid exceptionally well both in the companies and also as freelancers.
This is due to the fact that full-stack web developers have a diverse set of skills.

  • They are good at Database Development.
  • Backend Development.
  • And also in Front End Development.

In this course, you will learn full stack web development with Blazor for the frontend and Python Django for the backend.

We will build the same backend project with different databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, My SQL, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

Sections in this Master Course:

1) Blazor, Python Django, and Mongo DB.

2) Blazor, Python Django, and My SQL.

3) Blazor, Python Django, and PostgreSQL.

4) Blazor, Python Django, and Microsoft SQL Server.

5) Blazor, Python Django, and SQLite.

With Blazor, you will learn to

  • Add routing to our app.
  • Learn how to add a bootstrap table with custom sorting and filtering features.
  • Add modal pop-up window with drop-down and date picker.
  • We will also learn how to upload an image and save it on the backend server.

I am sure that this course will definitely help you in your journey as a full-stack web developer.

Welcome to the course, and happy learning.

Who this course is for:

  • python developers, backend developers, frontend developers, angular and react developers
  • Last updated 8/2021
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