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Building Web GIS Apps with C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet

Building Web GIS Apps with C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet
Building Web GIS Apps with C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet

Building Web GIS Apps with C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet

ASP.NET Core and C# will help you build web GIS apps.

What you’ll learn

Building Web GIS Apps with C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet

  • Be able to make a full-stack web GIS app from scratch.
  • Full-stack ASP Dotnet Core MVC apps can be made.
  • In C#, you can write backend code.
  • Be able to use a JavaScript charting library from a third party.
  • Making a.NET Core REST API
  • For .NET and Windows, PostgreSQL is a good choice.
  • The core of the Entity Framework is called Core.


  • An understanding of C# and JavaScript is needed to start.
  • A computer that runs on Windows
  • Some experience with coding


Welcome to the C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet course. Full-stack MVC Web App: We’ll be making one with the .NET Core Framework. The goal of this course and many more to come is to learn how to make geospatial analytics and turn it into a working application.

In our use case, we’ll be working with data about water consumption in the suburbs. We’ll use data processing techniques to get, transform, and load the data into our database. Then, after we have processed and cleaned the data, we will use it as a source of data for our.NET Core Web Map App.

A PostgreSQL and PostGIS database will help us run our app. Front-end: We’ll use Bootstrap, JavaScripts, Leaflets, and Ajax to make the site look good In order to transform and convert data on the server, we’ll use C#, ASP.NET CORE MVC, Entity Framework Core, Newtonsoft.Json, and Npgsql, as well as other libraries. When we work on the computer, we will use Windows 10 and Server 2016.

Some skills you can expect to learn after taking the course are the following:

  • You will learn how to make a database with Postgresql and PostGIS.
  • You will learn how to use Chart.js to make charts.
  • Learn how to make Web Maps with Leaflet.js
  • Learn how to make REST API Endpoints with C# and LINQ.
  • You will learn how to write C# code.
  • Learn how to write JavaScript code.
  • You will learn how to make Web apps with the C# language and the ASP.NET Core MVC Framework.

Who this course is for:

  • Those who are beginners and those who are experts
    The curious mind wants to find out more.

Building Web GIS Apps with C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet

Geospatial data analysis with python

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