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Chakra Vocal Sound Healing

Chakra Vocal Sound Healing
Chakra Vocal Sound Healing

Chakra Vocal Sound Healing

Learn to balance your Chakras and tune into your intuition with vocal sounding!

Chakra Vocal Sound Healing

What you’ll learn

  • You will be able to use your voice to relax your body and mind and elevate your mood. and have a greater ability to access your intuition.
  • Clear energetic blocks with the power of their voice to increase health, wealth, and joy.
  • Have a powerful way to access their intuition and get solutions to challenging life issues.


  • With an open mind, you must be willing to take a chance and try vocal sound healing even if you don’t believe it can work.
  • Headphones or Ear-Buds of decent quality with buzz or static, if you plan to take this course in a public setting. i
  • A private, quiet place for meditation and sounding free from interruption and distractions. If you are tight on space even a closet or the bathroom with a locked door will suffice. It is not necessary to have a large space to start learning.
  • No previous knowledge of singing or music is necessary to take this course.


In this course, you will…

Discover a way to improve your physical and emotional health with zero negative side effects.

Learn how to relax and improve your mood with a simple and easy technique you can take anywhere.

Master a powerful energy healing technique you can use on yourself and teach to others to gain a deeper understanding of what blocks an abundance of health and joy.

Chakra vocal sound healing is a powerful energy healing technique that allows you to quickly locate and clear abundance blocks in your Chakras. Chakra Vocal Sound Healing is an effective way to increase energy, alleviate stress and get real solutions to problematic life issues. It is also a very powerful way to develop your intuitive and psychic skill set. In addition, students will learn how to begin to channel healing energy through their voices for continued healing. They will learn how to fuse prana breathing and vocal sounding to heal spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Who this course is for

  • Anyone who would like a quick way to boost mood, and lower stress.
  • Energy healers who would like to add a technique to their current practice.
  • Anyone who would like to use their intuition to make positive changes in their life.

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