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Flutter REST API Development Course: Build a Movie App

Flutter REST API Development Course: Build a Movie App Make a complete REST API Flutter application using Flutter and Riverpod state management framework!
Flutter REST API Development Course: Build a Movie App Make a complete REST API Flutter application using Flutter and Riverpod state management framework!

Flutter REST API Development Course: Build a Movie App

Make a complete REST API Flutter application using Flutter and Riverpod state management framework!

What you’ll learn

Flutter REST API Development Course: Build a Movie App

  • Build a complex Flutter application that communicates with a REST API
  • Learn the Riverpod State Management Library
  • Implement core application features such as pagination, authentication, state management
  • Build complex UI’s using Flutter
  • Learn good design principles with an emphasis on writing production-ready applications


  • Basic familiarity with Flutter and Dart Programming Language
  • Flutter installed on the user system
  • VS Code or Android Studio configured for Flutter development


Do you want to build a complete Flutter REST API application? This is the course for you!


In this course, we’ll use the best in Flutter to build a complete RESTful Application known as Flickd from zero to production-ready that you can release on the Google Play Store or iOS App Store. The application will display data regarding movies obtained from the TheMovieDB website.


  • An amazing UI and Splash Screen
  • Functionality to display results regarding popular and upcoming movies
  • Functionality to search movies
  • Pagination, Authentication, state management
  • State management using Flutter Riverport


  • A Complete Masterclass on Flutter REST API Development ​
  • Flutter Riverpod State Management Framework
  • Pagination
  • Authentication ​
  • Web Requests in Flutter ​
  • Handling Async Data with FutureBuilders, StreamBuilders, and Async / Await Functions
  • Form Validation and Error Handling ​
  • Custom Theme Creation and Fonts ​
  • Tons of Practical, Straightforward, and Repeatable App-Building Patterns ​
  • And much more!​


– Deep, Fine-Grained Learning – This course is jam-packed with information. I made the course that I most wanted to take and as a result, I didn’t skimp on the details. You’re going to cover more topics and material in greater depth than ever before.

– 100% Real-World Practice – My goal is to get you writing code as much as possible. And not just any code–we’ll be working exclusively on practical tasks that are instrumental in building your own amazing real-world apps.

– No-Nonsense, Spot-On Explanations – Every lesson is to the point. I break down what we’re making, how we’ll be doing it, and what the final product will look like, all on top of helpful and illustrative descriptions to aid your understanding along the way.

I really enjoyed making this course and I think you’ll enjoy taking it just as much.

Looking forward to seeing you during the course!

Who this course is for:

  • Mobile and web developers looking to build impressive real-world, production-ready apps!
  • Flutter developers looking for a challenge
  • Developers looking to delve into the world of Flutter and Riverpod State Management

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner to Intermediate Flutter Developers
  • Last updated 6/2021

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