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Learn Full stack development with Django and react

Learn Full stack development with Django and react Let's build a complete T-shirt selling store with payment gateway, Django 3, and modern React js with hooks
Learn Full stack development with Django and react Let's build a complete T-shirt selling store with payment gateway, Django 3, and modern React js with hooks

Learn Full stack development with Django and react

Let’s build a complete T-shirt selling store with payment gateway, Django 3, and modern React js with hooks

What you’ll learn

Learn Full stack development with Django and react

  • Full stack development
  • Build an e-commerce application with a payment gateway
  • Django 3 with REST API
  • Modern React JS with hooks
  • Build complete application
  • A full tShirt selling store with admin


  • Basics of python (loops and functions)
  • Basics of Javascript (loops and functions)
  • We don’t expect prior knowledge of Django and react for this course


Welcome to the Complete full stack web development course with Django 3 as backend and ReactJS in the front end. Along with this, we will use a payment gateway to configure our t-shirt selling store.
Full Stack web development is really high in demand and in this course, we are bringing 2 of the most popular programming languages together, Python and JavaScript. We will start by installing python and a virtual environment. After that, we will install Django and will work on the backend. We are using a scalable approach of dividing the project into multiple Django apps. Further, we will create API from our backend so that in the future you can modify the front end without any issues. Django development is very fast and you will quickly realize it.

We will use the core Django framework as well as the Django REST framework to create backend API. We will also learn to modify the framework so that we can sign up the custom users in this application

Learn Full stack development with Django and react

Moving to the front end, first, we will take some crash courses in react, bootstrap, and react-navigation so that you can come to speed. After that, we will create a react project and will structure the front end to talk to the backend. We will create a modular structure for the front end so that in the future multiple teams can work on the front end too. We will learn to create requests for multiple URLs of the backend and provide authentication to some routes.

When we sign up and sign in from the front end, we will learn JSON-based requests as well as form data-based requests. We will also learn to protect some routes so that only authenticated users can access them.

Finally, we will also learn to integrate payment gateway both at the backend and front end of the application. We will study the documentation of the payment gateway and the flow of payments. After that user will be able to place an order from our store.

This course is packed with lots of information and you will enjoy the learning process!

See you inside the course

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner in full stack development
  • The beginner in Django
  • Beginner in Reactjs
  • Last updated 8/2020
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