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Build a popular music app with vue js – Course Site

Build a popular music app with vue js - Course Site Build a popular music app with vue js
Build a popular music app with vue js - Course Site Build a popular music app with vue js

Build a popular music app with vue js – Course Site

Build a popular music app with vue js

What you’ll learn

Build a popular music app with vue js – Course Site

  • You can learn how to use Vue to develop practical projects
  • Firmly grasp the use of Vue


  • You must have the basic knowledge of Vue
  • You need to know routes and components and they are very simple to learn


First, I am very sorry for my English is not good. but you are very clever to know what I’m saying.

In this course, we will make an awesome music app like NetEase cloud music by yourself.

This course will let you learn more about Vue and also increase your experience of using Vue in actual development.

Thank you very much for your support.

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