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Professional Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning

Professional Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning Learn All the Skills to Become a Data Mining & Machine Learning Scientist [2021]
Professional Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning Learn All the Skills to Become a Data Mining & Machine Learning Scientist [2021]

Professional Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning

Learn All the Skills to Become a Data Mining & Machine Learning Scientist [2021]

What you’ll learn

Professional Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning

  • Data mining & Machine Learning – [A -Z] Comprehensive Training with Step by step guidance
  • Supervised Learning – (Univariate Linear regression, Multivariate Linear Regression, Logistic regression, Naive Bayes Classifier, Trees, Support Vector Machines, Random Forest)
  • Unsupervised Learning – Clustering, K-Means clustering
  • Evaluating the Machine Learning Algorithms: Precision, Recall, F-Measure, Confusion Matrices,
  • Data Pre-processing – Data Preprocessing is that step in which the data gets transformed, or Encoded, to bring it to such a state that now the machine can easily parse it.
  • Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN)
  • KERAS Tutorial – Developing an Artificial Neural Network in Python -Step by Step
  • Java Programming For Data Scientists
  • Python Programming Basics For Data Science
  • Algorithm Analysis For Data Scientists
  • Web Development for Data Scientists
  • Data Visualization
  • 500+ Artificial Intelligence Projects with source
  • 40 Machine Learning Algorithms with source code and guided tutorial 00:00


  • Computer & Internet Connection
  • Passion for Data mining & Machine Learning


Academy of Computing & Artificial Intelligence proudly presents you with the course Professional Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning“.

It all started when the expert team of The Academy of Computing & Artificial Intelligence [ACAI] (Ph.D., Ph.D. Candidates, Senior Lecturers, Consultants, Researchers) and Industry Experts. hiring managers were having a discussion on the most highly paid jobs & skills in the IT/Computer Science / Engineering / Data Science sector in 2020.
To make the course more interactive, we have also provided a live code demonstration where we explain to you how we could apply each concept/principle [Step by step guidance]. Each & every step is clearly explained. [Guided Tutorials]

“While artificial intelligence (AI) is the broad science of mimicking human abilities, machine learning is a specific subset of AI that trains a machine how to learn. Watch this video to better understand the relationship between AI and machine learning. You’ll see how these two technologies work, with useful examples and a few funny asides.”

Course Learning Outcomes

To provide a solid awareness of Supervised & Unsupervised learning coming under Machine Learning

Explain the appropriate usage of Machine Learning techniques.

To build appropriate neural models from using a state-of-the-art python framework.

To build neural models from scratch, following step-by-step instructions.

Learn to build end – to – end effective solutions to resolve real-world problems

To critically review and select the most appropriate machine learning solutions

python programming is also inclusive.


  • A computer with an internet connection
  • Passion & commitment

At the end of the course, you will gain the following

  1. Setting up the Environment for Python Machine Learning
  2. Understanding Data With Statistics & Data Pre-processing 
  3. Data Pre-processing – Scaling with a demonstration in python, Normalization, Binarization, Standardization in Python, feature Selection Techniques: Univariate Selection
  4. Data Visualization with Python -charting will be discussed here with step-by-step guidance, Data preparation and Bar Chart, Histogram, Pie Chart, etc.
  5. Artificial Neural Networks with Python, KERAS
  6. KERAS Tutorial – Developing an Artificial Neural Network in Python -Step by Step
  7. Deep Learning -Handwritten Digits Recognition [Step by Step] [Complete Project ]
  8. Naive Bayes Classifier with Python [Lecture & Demo]
  9. Linear regression
  10. Logistic regression
  11. Introduction to clustering [K – Means Clustering ]
  12. K – Means Clustering

Does the course get updated?

We continually update the course as well.

What if you have questions?

we offer full support, answering any questions you have.

There’s no risk!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who is interested in Data Mining & Machine Learning

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wishes to start a career in Data mining & Machine Learning
  • Last updated 2/2021

Professional Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning

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