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Python and Elixir Programming Bundle Course Site

Python and Elixir Programming Bundle Course Free Download
Python and Elixir Programming Bundle Course Free Download

Python and Elixir Programming Bundle Course Site

List|Tuple|Set|Strings|Numbers|GUI Tkinter|Decision Making|Loops|Oops|Struct|Protocol|Error Handling|Process|Sigils|Lib

What you’ll learn

Python and Elixir Programming Bundle Course Free Site

  • Learn Python and Elixir Programming professionally.
  • Datatypes like List, Tuple, Set, Strings, and Numbers explained very well with the example
  • You would be able to make a GUI application using Tkinter
  • Projects are also there to apply the python skills into the real world
  • You would be able to do file handling using Python
  • Basic concepts like Loops, Decision-Making statement, etc make your base strong
  • Learn to use GUI component like Radiobutton, Checkbox button, Button, entry, cursor, etc to make attractive GUI application
  • Object-oriented skills make your work more easy and efficient
  • Think with a Functional Programming mindset
  • Understand common Elixir syntax and design patterns
  • Grasp the core concepts of the language and its data structures.
  • Use conditions and loops to build complex logic for your application.
  • Communicate with the outside world from within your program
  • Define reusable code as functions and modules.


  • This course caters to beginner, intermediate level. Student needs to be familiar with at least one programming language.
  • Any prior working knowledge of programming language would help, however, it is not a must.


Python and Elixir both programming language comes under the list of the most trending programming language of 2018. In this course, you would explore the taste of both programming languages. This course is a one-stop-shop where you would learn and practice all the concepts of python and elixir.
PYTHON: Datatypes like List, Tuple, Set, Strings, and Numbers explained very well with example. You would be able to make a GUI application using Tkinter. Projects are also there to apply python skills to the real world. You would be able to do file handling using Python. Different modes of file handling with also different attributes of file handling. Basic concepts like Loops, Decision Making statement, etc make your base strong. Learn to use GUI components like Radio-button, Checkbox button, Button, entry, cursor, etc to make attractive GUI applications. Object-oriented skills make your work more easy and efficient. Concepts like inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Constructors, Different types of Inheritance, Operator Overloading, Method Overriding, etc with examples and many more topics

Python and Elixir Programming Bundle Course Site

ELIXIR: You’ll learn the foundations of Elixir, the language syntax, how to define modules, manipulate the characteristics of common data structures, and more. By the end of this video, you will have learned how to use the Elixir programming language and know how to use its tool-set to start building your applications with ease.

I hope you’re excited to dive into the World of Python and Elixir with this course. Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!               Happy Coding!!!

Who is the target audience?

Python and Elixir Programming Bundle Course Site

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