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SEO Crash Course for WordPress Users – Free Course Site

Download SEO Crash Course for WordPress Users - Free Course Site
Download SEO Crash Course for WordPress Users - Free Course Site

SEO Crash Course for WordPress Users – Free Course Site

Boost Your WordPress SEO Like a Boss

What Will I Learn?

SEO Crash Course for WordPress Users – Free Course Site

  • By the end of the course, you’ll be able to properly SEO tweak your WordPress site for better Google rankings.


  • Basic WordPress dashboard skills (you should be able to install plugins)
  • Access to an up and running WordPress so that you can put your skill to practice right away.


Got your WordPress site up and running, but hardly anybody seems to be able to find your site in Google? Plus the whole shebang looks like a ghost town or a desert? And all that regardless of whatever you do to promote your site? Sounds familiar? You can just do a quick and to-the-point video course that coaches you through the process of SEO optimizing your WordPress site. You’ll be able to set up and optimize any WordPress site in a hassle-free way. That’s because you’ll know EXACTLY what you gotta do to make that happen.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • What is SEO (just to get you started)
  • Installing and Configuring WordPress SEO by Yoast
  • Robots.txt file on a WordPress site
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Webmaster Tools
  • XML Sitemap
  • How to Do Keyword Research
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Using Synonyms
  • On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO
  • Where to Use Your Keyword
  • Image Optimization
  • How to Boost Page Quality
  • Video SEO
  • SEO Friendly URLs
  • for WordPress Users
  • .htaccess Redirection Made Easy
  • Google Authorship
  • Local SEO for WordPress Users

Follow Along with Your Videos

It’s best to apply your new skills right after you learn them because it’ll help to use your new knowledge correctly and you’ll remember it for a longer time. So, you wanna watch a video and do what it teaches you right after.

SEO Crash Course for WordPress Users

See you on the flipside!

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