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Solve Rubik’s cube in 6 easy steps

Solve Rubik's cube in 6 easy steps
Solve Rubik's cube in 6 easy steps

Solve Rubik’s cube in 6 easy steps

Learn how to solve Rubik’s cube in 6 easy steps and amaze your friends with your new skill!

Solve Rubik’s cube in 6 easy steps

What you’ll learn

  • By the end of this course, you can be the coolest among your friends by showing off your new skill- solving the Rubik’s cube in a couple of minutes!


  • A 3x3x3 standard Rubik’s cube.


Did you get a Rubik’s cube but it has been on the shelf since you first shuffled it and then never managed to solve it? Dust it off, I’ll show you how to solve it.

I learned to solve the cube when I was 8, though my sister decided not to teach me the very last step and I had to figure that out myself. Since then, I taught a dozen of my friends how to solve the Rubik’s cube with the very same method, and we challenge each other to see who was the quickest. My best time is 1 minute and 23 seconds. Are you up to the challenge, too?

I’m not good at 3D modeling or high-tech video editing, but I learned to create good quality videos and added what I lacked from Rubik’s cube tutorials: just a few easy steps that would be understandable even for an 8-year-old and a bit of personal touch. So let me sit down next to you and show you how to solve the cube with my 6 super-easy steps. You’ll see the videos as if the cube was in your hand, I’ll point out the shortcuts, and mistakes, and well… I’ll help you practice as long as you master the Rubik’s cube!

I also added some extra content about how to choose the proper cube if you don’t have one, do fun patterns once the cube is solved, do some basic maintenance (please-please, do not remove the stickers, ever), and what to do if you’re facing a cube with nothing but mirror-like sides…

So are you up to my challenge?

Who this course is for

  • Anyone with a shuffled Rubik’s cube.
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