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Todo List App with React Native Expo – Mobile Development

Todo List App with React Native Expo - Mobile Development
Todo List App with React Native Expo - Mobile Development

Todo List App with React Native Expo – Mobile Development

Develop a Fully Functional Todo List App using React Native with Expo CLI, Redux, Redux Persist, and AsyncStorage

What you’ll learn

Todo List App with React Native Expo – Mobile Development

  • Learn how to use React Native to build real native mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • Learn how to use Redux inside your mobile application to manage states
  • Redux Persist
  • AsyncStorage
  • Crud Operations
  • React Navigation
  • Clean Architecture


  • JavaScript knowledge is a must, next-gen JavaScript knowledge (i.e. ES6+) is recommended
  • This will be easy If you have any experience with React


Hello Everyone, in this course we are going to build a fully functional Todo List App using react native with Expo CLI, Redux, Redux persist, and Asyncstorage as the main technologies.

Mobile apps are one of the best ways to engage with users – no wonder everyone wants to build one! Wouldn’t it be great if you could use your web development knowledge, combined with your React knowledge, to build mobile apps with that?

That’s exactly what React Native allows you to do!

No need to learn Java, Android, Swift, Objective-C, or anything of that – React and JavaScript is all you need to create awesome native mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS. That’s probably the reason why Instagram, Airbnb, Skype, and many other global companies are using it to build their mobile apps!

Also in this project, we are going to have a clean architecture in our project, you will learn how to organize your project structure and maintain good code readability. In the middle section of this course we are going to implement all the screens we need to create in this mobile application and we will install all the dependencies and the UI libraries which we need in this project.

At the end of this course, we will implement the delete function and delete all notes functions to delete notes from the redux store and the async storage as well. So you will understand how to manage redux with async storage Also, I need to mention that this course is for everyone with any level of knowledge in react native mobile development. But if you have any previous React or React Native experience then it will help you to understand all the concepts behind this application very easily.

If you wish to continue improving your skills and building your knowledge furthermore then this course is dee right option for you.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to use React to build native mobile apps
  • Every mobile developer who wishes to learn only one language to write cross-platform mobile apps
  • Every mobile or web developer who’s interested in writing high-performance native apps with JavaScript

Todo List App with React Native Expo – Mobile Development

React Native Bootcamp for Beginners & Make 20 Projects

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