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Unit, widget, and integration testing are all available in Flutter

Unit, widget, and integration testing are all available in Flutter.
Unit, widget, and integration testing are all available in Flutter.

Unit, widget, and integration testing are all available in Flutter

Learn how to create Flutter code using a TDD technique. Learn about the unit, widget, and integration testing in depth.

What you’ll learn

Unit, widget, and integration testing are all available in Flutter

  • Unit Testing with Flutter
  • Testing for Futter Integration
  • Testing Flutter Widgets
  • TDD teaches you how to write code.


  • Understanding of how to make an app with Flutter.


The more features your software has, the more difficult it is to manually test it. Automated tests let you ensure that your software works well before releasing it, while also allowing you to swiftly add new features and correct errors.

This course will cover all of the fundamentals of flutter testing. After finishing this course, you will have a greater understanding of the principles and will be able to automate any flutter project.

You may already have a functional app, but you want to test the modifications you’re making to make it better. Perhaps you’ve previously written tests but aren’t sure whether they’re the proper ones. Or maybe you’ve begun developing a new app and want to test it as you go.

By the conclusion of this video course, you will have a solid knowledge of how to create Flutter tests.

If you’re a freelance developer, you may want to put learning how to unit test the Flutter app on the back burner for a while. Unit testing, on the other hand, is a must-have ability if you want to work on key app developments as part of a larger team.

This course will show you how to:

  • The basics of testing
  • Testing at the unit level
  • Widget evaluation
  • Integrity Checking
  • Mocks & API Testing

In general, a well-tested program contains a large number of unit and widget tests, as well as enough integration tests to cover all of the major use cases, as measured by code coverage.

Who this course is for:

  • Fluter Developers

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