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Web Scraping in Nodejs Course

Web Scraping in Nodejs Course
Web Scraping in Nodejs Course

Web Scraping in Nodejs Course

Learn web scraping in Nodejs by example projects with real websites! Craiglist, iMDB, AirBnB and more!

What you’ll learn

Web Scraping in Nodejs Course

  • Be able to scrape jobs from a page on Craigslist
  • Learn how to use Request
  • How to use NightmareJS
  • Learn how to use Puppeteer
  • How to scrape elements without any identifiable classes or id’s
  • Learn how to save scraping data to CSV
  • How to save scraping data to MongoDb
  • Learn how to scrape Facebook using only Request!
  • How you can reverse engineer sites and find hidden API’s!
  • Learn different technologies used for scraping, and when it’s best to use them
  • Learn how to scrape sites using authentication


  • Basic HTML
  • The Basic jQuery
  • Basic Nodejs


In this course you will learn how to scrape a websites, with practical examples on real websites using Nodejs RequestCheerioNightmareJs and Puppeteer.

You’ll even learn how to save your results to a CSV file and MongoDB!

How do you build a scraper that scrapes every 1 hour (or other interval), and deploy it do a cloud host like Heroku or Google Cloud? Let me show you, quick and easy!

How do you scrape a site requiring passwords? I’m going to show you that too with a real website (Craigslist)!

How do you serve your scraping results in a REST API with Nodejs Express? And how can we build a React frontend that’s showing the results? You’ll learn that too, in the quickest and simplest way possible!

Plus, a section covering how to make a basic GraphQL API is included in the course.

As a last cherry on the top, I have a section containing a secret backdoor showing you how to scrape Facebook using only Request!

If you have issues regarding a site you’re trying to scrape yourself, it’s totally okay to reach out to me for some help. I’d be happy to point you in the right direction! Whatever issues my students are facing, I use that to expand on my course!

Who this course is for:

Web Scraping in Nodejs Course

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