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Basic Python Scripting for Dynamo Geometry BIM Course Site

Basic Python Scripting for Dynamo Geometry BIM Course Site Use python to improve and set new workflows for your scripts, develop workflows and set your own custom nodes.
Basic Python Scripting for Dynamo Geometry BIM Course Site Use python to improve and set new workflows for your scripts, develop workflows and set your own custom nodes.

Basic Python Scripting for Dynamo Geometry BIM Course Site

Use python to improve and set new workflows for your scripts, develop workflows and set your own custom nodes.

What you’ll learn

Basic Python Scripting for Dynamo Geometry BIM Course Site

  • Learn how to change any dynamo geometry related script into code and improve its efficiency
  • Analyze requirements of data and improve problem-solving requirements
  • Get Conditionals loops and statements running with dynamo
  • Get Results to create their own solutions and foster nodes of already created ones


  • Need to know about dynamo geometry
  • Need to be patient and resilient
  • You need to have a computer with the installed software, Revit 2020, and Dynamo 2.3 or above


This course is a great opportunity to improve your dynamo skills and performance to be more efficient, easy to update, and would remove the dependencies of your code.

We will learn the basic startup for using python for dynamo, how to call our nodes directly and how to review the results that are required for our processes.
We will learn about the different variable types, conditionals, and logic operators that can improve the relation of the code we have. All modules are reinforced with the use of quizzes and their complementary activities that are required for you to try on your own.

Dynamo capabilities for fast prototyping haven’t peek jet, and at this point learning them is a clear advantage either for modeling or programming tools, it time to improve our understanding and increase the node functionality to not only optimization but as well all processes related, so join me in to bring all those capabilities to reality and transform your BIM Skills and enjoy at any time the freedom of possibilities to make technology work the way you need it to.

Join a selective group that is looking for possibilities rather than restrictions, and be UpToDate for all the amazing possibilities that at any time can transform your way of working, to change it forever.

Who this course is for:

  • Architects, Engineers, and Constructors.
  • Students of Architecture want to explore the possibilities of modeling.
  • Engineers that need precision on Revit Modeling
  • Programers that want to understand the Architectural, and Engineering Logic for Dynamo Python
  • Last updated 1/2021
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