All Courses OOP Object Oriented Tutorials

Complete PHP OOP Tutorials for Absolute Beginners + Projects Course

Complete PHP OOP Tutorials for Absolute Beginners + Projects Course
Complete PHP OOP Tutorials for Absolute Beginners + Projects Course

Complete PHP OOP Tutorials for Absolute Beginners + Projects Course

Learn PHP OOP from Scratch: Object Oriented Programming Concepts with Examples and Projects. Learn PHP OOPS Guaranteed!

What you’ll learn

Complete PHP OOP Tutorials for Absolute Beginners + Projects Course

  • Learn PHP Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
  • How to Apply OOP Concept in your Project.
  • Implement OOP Concepts like Inheritance, Polymorphism, Data Encapsulation, Data Abstraction and Overriding.
  • Learn How to Write Modular Code and Reusable Code using OOP Concepts.
  • Write Classes, Interface, Abstract Classes and Traits.
  • Learn PHP OOP with Examples, Exercises, Assignments and Quiz.
  • Understand Concepts like Magic Methods, Type Hinting, Namespaces and Dependency Injection.
  • Learn to use final, static, public, private and protected keywords.
  • Learn S.O.L.I.D – Object Oriented Principles.
  • How to Change your Procedural Programming Style to OOP Style.
  • Understand AutoLoading and Dynamic Calling with Examples.


  • You should know PHP Basics.
  • Windows or Mac Machine with PHP Installed.
  • Able to Understand English Language.


Right After this course, you can write Modular Code using Classes and Objects ……

During Interview, You will be able to explain OOP concept with written examples ……

Apply the OOP Concepts right away into your existing project ……

You will understand how others develop and use OOP concept in the PHP Libraries ……

Learn PHP OOP 10X times faster with Examples, Exercises, Assignments, Blogs and Quiz ……

You will learn OOP Concept with real time Examples – Database, Files, Posts, Students, Bank, University, Course, Lectures and many more Classes ……

16+ hours of PHP OOP Training fully focused on Writing and Learning PHP OOP Concept ……

With lots of time spent in organizing these topics and making sure you get to learn PHP OOP Concept faster and with tons of supporting source code and proper guidance.

  • Forum Support.
  • many others once you get to know about us.

This course will help you learn ……

  1. Understand What is Object Oriented Programming?
  2. What is Class?
  3. How to Define a Class, Properties and Methods.
  4. How to Define Objects and Use it.
  5. Write Methods with Parameters inside the Class.
  6. Apply the OOP Concept with Users, Bank and File Class.
  7. Simple Project to Calculate Employee Salary.
  8. Learn about the importance of $this keyword.
  9. How and When to use $this keyword.
  10. Write a Student Class by using the $this keyword.

  11. Learn What is Constructor and Destructor?
  12. Define and Use Constructor in a Class.
  13. Define and Use Destructor in a Class.
  14. Purpose of Constructor and Destructor.
  15. Implement Constructor and Destructor using File Class.
  16. Learn How to Chain Methods using Posts Class.
  17. Understand the most important concept of Access Modifiers – public and private.
  18. How Access modifiers help to restrict access to methods and properties in a Class.
  19. Understand What is Inheritance?
  20. How a Child Class Inherits from Parent Class.

  21. How a Child Class Own Methods and Properties.
  22. Learn about protected Access Modifiers.
  23. Overriding: Child Class Override Parent Class Methods and Properties
  24. Learn about Single and Multiple Inheritance and which one is supported.
  25. Implement Inheritance Concept using Course and Lecture Real Time example.
  26. Learn when to use the final keyword.
  27. Hiding: Prevent Child Class Overriding Parent Class Methods and Properties.
  28. Use final keyword using a Driver Class.
  29. Learn What is Interface?

  30. How to Declare and Implement Interface.
  31. Implement more than one Interface to Class.
  32. Use case of Interface and where to use them.
  33. Create Phone Interface and Learn how to implement it in real time.
  34. What is Abstract Classes and Methods?
  35. How to Declare Classes and Methods as Abstract.
  36. Abstract Class with Non-Abstract Methods.
  37. Use case of Abstract Class.
  38. Real time example of Abstract Class.
  39. What is Static Methods and Properties?
  40. Define and Access Static Methods and Properties.

  41. self:: Keyword.
  42. Use case of Static Methods and Properties.
  43. Real time Example of Static Methods and Properties.
  44. What is Polymorphism?
  45. Example of Polymorphism.
  46. Understand Data Encapsulation Concept.
  47. Do an Example of Data Encapsulation.
  48. Understand Data Abstraction Concept.
  49. Do an Example of Data Abstraction.
  50. Understand What is Overriding?
  51. Example of Overriding.

  52. Understand Difference between Overloading vs Overriding.
  53. What is Magic Methods?
  54. Work with _set and _get, _call, _toString and _debuginfo Magic Method.
  55. Learn What is Type Hinting?
  56. Example using Type Hinting Methods with Arrays
  57. Example using Type Hinting Methods with Objects
  58. Write a Posts Class to savePost() and fetchPosts() with Proper Type Hinting
  59. What is Namespaces?
  60. Define and Use Namespace
  61. Alias Name and Global Namespace
  62. Understand What is Dependency Injection?
  63. Example of Dependency Injection.
  64. Show an Example of Dependency Injection using University and Student.

  65. Learn to Clone Objects, Serialize Objects, Cache Objects, Comparing Objects and Iterating Objects.
  66. Understand What are Traits?
  67. Define and Use Traits.
  68. Multiple Traits in one Class.
  69. Create Trait for Files Operation and use it in Posts Class.
  70. Understand What is AutoLoading?
  71. Example of Autoloading Functions.
  72. Example of Autoloading Namespace.
  73. Learn about S.O.L.I.D – Object Oriented Principles.
  74. Projects with Database Class, Students Class and University Application Class.
  75. and many more topics ……

Trust me you will learn more than what we have shown here.

Who this course is for:

  • PHP Programmers who wants to start writing PHP code using OOP.
  • Students who wants to explain OOP Concept in Interview.
  • The Students who wants to understand OOP Concepts.
  • Students who want to learn how to write modular and reusable code using OOP.
  • Build Responsive Real World Websites

Complete PHP OOP Tutorials for Absolute Beginners + Projects Course

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