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Create Football Matches Result App Using PHP

Create Football Matches Result App Using PHP
Create Football Matches Result App Using PHP

Create Football Matches Result App Using PHP

Make a Football Game Results App with PHP.

What you’ll learn

Create Football Matches Result App Using PHP

  • PHP can be used to make a football match result app.
  • How to set up XAMPP.
  • How to use Bootstrap
  • Work on the UI.
  • In this video, I show you how to make HTTP requests.
  • How to get data from an API
  • Learn how to use JSON to send a message
  • How to show soccer scores
  • How to make the interface of your computer work better.
  • There are many more things…


  • The Internet is working.
  • Intermediate skills with PHP.


PHP is one of the best languages for writing code. Many different web projects can be made with it. It can be used to make small, medium, and large web app projects, and it can do all three. A lot of start-ups and businesses are now using it to make web apps. By learning PHP, you’ll be able to get a job much faster and specialize in PHP, which will make it even easier to get one.

When you take this course, you will learn how to make a soccer scores website with PHP. A well-designed website will show soccer scores and results. Users will always know the results of football games. Learn how to design your user interface, how to make HTTP requests and other things. You will also learn how to get football results and how to get teams’ names, logos, etc. and put them on your website! There are even more things that you’ll learn in this course. You’ll learn about best practices for writing good PHP code and about bad practices for writing bad code. You’ll also learn how to debug your code.

This course will take you step-by-step so that you don’t get lost. I’ll start with the simplest topics and work my way up to more complicated ones. It’s a good idea to know a lot about OOP and PHP.

Not only will you get the source code for this course, but you can also get it from here. You will also be given a test or exercise at the end of each lecture to make sure you understand what you have learned.

Covered in this class:

  • How to start a PHP project.
  • How do you set up XAMPP?
  • Use HTML and CSS in a PHP project.
  • How to send requests to the web
  • Use an API service:
  • How do I get the scores and results for football?
  • Learn how to show soccer results
  • How to show the names and logos of home and away teams, as well as other things,
  • How do I use JSON?
  • and a lot more

What will happen after this class?

After you finish this course, you will be able to:

  1. Use PHP to make your own Soccer Scores site.
  2. Have a good grasp of PHP.
  3. Be able to make web apps with PHP.
  4. Start a new job as a PHP developer.

You should have a good time during this class.


Who this course is for:

  • People who work on the web.
  • Developers of PHP.

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