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Full Stack Modern Social Media App – For Beginners

Full Stack Modern Social Media App - For Beginners
Full Stack Modern Social Media App - For Beginners

Full Stack Modern Social Media App – For Beginners

Build your own social media app with ReactJS, Sanity, and Tailwind CSS.

What you’ll learn

Full Stack Modern Social Media App – For Beginners

  • How to make a modern UI.
  • Use the Sanity Content Platform to learn how to use it.
  • Tailwind CSS is a good way to learn about it.
  • It’s important that you learn how to make your website look like it’s live.
  • Make sure you know how to use Hooks in the Reactjs app


  • Need to know some programming about the basics.


How to start from scratch and set up Google Cloud API Services in your project in this video. Build the project and put it up. People who sign up for this course will get to learn about ReactJS and Tailwind CSS, as well as Sanity Content Platform.


This front-end JavaScript library is free and open source. It lets you build user interfaces with UI components. It is run by Meta and a group of developers and businesses. React can be used to build single-page or mobile apps.

Before we go on, we need to know what Hooks are:

Completely sign up.

You can try Hooks in a few parts without having to change any existing code. But you don’t have to learn or use Hooks right now.

  • 100% backwards-compatible.
  • Hooks don’t change in a big way.
  • Now you can buy it.
  • With the release of v16.8.0, there are now hooks that you can use.


Sanity-io is the content platform that makes digital experiences better. Open-source: Sanity Studio is a single-page app built with React.js that can be used for free. You write simple JavaScript to make your content models. Also, add your own React.js parts to it. You can change the way your editors work with the Studio’s advanced features, so you can make it work for them. You can also get and make plugins for Sanity Studio and put them on the npm site.

This is what Tailwind CSS looks like:

With this tool, you can quickly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML code. Flex, pt-4, text-centre, and rotate-90 are just a few of the classes in this utility-first CSS framework. They can be combined to make any design, right in your markup.

There were a lot of chapters.

  1. Creating a React project and setting up React Settings
  2. how to make parts that can be used again
  3. To understand react hooks, you need to know what they are.
  4. When styling react components, how do you make them look good
  5. How to make designs that work well on all kinds of screens.
  6. In Sanity, how do you set up a project?
  7. How do I set up Google Cloud API and Services?
  8. Use Tailwind CSS to learn how to use it.
  9. How do I put the project on Netlify?

Who this course is for:

  • Who want to become UI and full-stack developers.

Full Stack Modern Social Media App – For Beginners

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