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Microsoft Excel for Beginners

Microsoft Excel for Beginners
Microsoft Excel for Beginners

Microsoft Excel for Beginners

Perfect course for anyone who works with data!

What you’ll learn

Microsoft Excel for Beginners

  • Create and format a spreadsheet
  • Organize and manage data
  • Build and edit formulas and functions
  • Create and modify charts and graphs
  • Create and modify pivot tables and pivot charts


  • No prior spreadsheet knowledge is required. Must have Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later.


Microsoft Excel for Beginners is an introductory spreadsheet course. The target audience for this course is anyone with little or no experience using Microsoft Excel. This class includes 8 lessons:  Orientation & Basics, Formatting & Printing, Organizing & Managing Data, Formulas & Functions (Level 1), Formulas & Functions (Level 2), IF Statements & IF Functions, Charts & Graphs, and Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts.  With each lesson you will be provided with an Excel learning file, a PDF of the lesson, a video that explains and demonstrates each concept in the lesson, and a 10-question multiple-choice quiz. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to effectively analyze, organize, manage and visually display data in an Excel spreadsheet.

Learning Microsoft Excel will provide a solid foundation for learning other spreadsheet programs such as Google Sheets, Numbers, Smartsheet, Zoho Sheet, and LibreOffice.  According to Forbes Magazine, 54% of all businesses use Microsoft Excel in some way; this number does not take into account other spreadsheet programs that are also used.

As our world becomes more and more data-driven, it is necessary to develop skills that enable us to better understand, interact with, and manage data.

Who this course is for:

  • Entry-level users who what to learn how to organize and manage data in Excel

