All Courses Laravel Tutorials

PHP Laravel for beginners: from zero fly to the heaven Course

PHP Laravel for beginners: from zero fly to the heaven Course
PHP Laravel for beginners: from zero fly to the heaven Course

PHP Laravel for beginners: from zero fly to the heaven Course

To do list project, bootstrap 4, Ho System V1.3, Content community system, Full stack.

What you’ll learn

PHP Laravel for beginners: from zero fly to the heaven Course

  • 1. Learn how to use laravel to develop in a fast way !
  • 2. As the same time build a to do list project !
  • 3. Develop an open source website template by bootstrap 4 (Plan) !
  • 4. Develop an open source CMS – Ho Source CMS 1.3 (Plan) !
  • 5. Develop content community system based on Ho Source CMS (Plan) !
  • 6. Become a full stack developer !
  • 7. Promote your website by SEO


  • Some PHP language basis


PHP Laravel for beginner: from zero fly to the heaven (Full stack) !

Join this course and master the course skills. You can use Laravel to build simple to do list project, back-end CMS, content community system, even if you are a Laravel zero-based people. And you can use bootstrap 4 build your website template.

Only for one course, you can become an Advanced PHP developer who use Laravel to develop back-end system !

In this course, only for 1.5 hour, let you get start with laravel quickly, and build up the “to do list” project, even if you have no experience about how to use Laravel before !

Who this course is for:

PHP Laravel for beginners: from zero fly to the heaven Course

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