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Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy – Free Course Site

Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy Course Free Download
Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy Course Free Download

Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy – Free Course Site

Hands-on Python guide to developing your market-neutral long-short hedge fund strategy with sentiment analysis.

What you’ll learn

Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy – Free Course Site

  • Build a market neutral long-short strategy from scratch
  • Incorporate sentiment analysis as a factor in their strategy

  • Learn to critically review any trading strategies

  • Learn and apply Quant Equity workflow into their strategy development process


  • Students will need intermediate Python knowledge
  • Some basic understanding of finance would be helpful


Update 23 Aug 2017: Do note that the Quantopian platform will no longer support third-party broker integration. Please see their website under the forum. The title of the post is “Phasing Out Brokerage Integrations”.This course provides you with the tools that top hedge funds used. These institutional tools include but are not limited to market data, fundamental data, sentiment analysis data, and more. All FREE. Yes, you read that right. FREE. Did I say Python codes are provided as well?
In this course, you will learn to design, develop, and test a long-short hedge funds strategy incorporating sentiment analysis, one of the hottest research areas in finance, systematically and scientifically. You will be able to assess your strategy and evaluate the strength and weaknesses, improve and finally at your wish go-live.

Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy – Free Course Site

You will get a detailed tour of the investment process of the quantitative investment world, one used by Professional Quant daily.

The hedge fund market has seen massive adoption of a data-driven, quantitative approach. In an article published in Wired Technology in Apr 2017, it states:

“There was $38 billion of institutional investment into algorithmically driven hedge funds in the first quarter of 2016 alone. In October 2016, one of the biggest players, Renaissance Technologies, which has $60 billion under management, announced that it received $7 billion in investment the previous year.”

The time to take action is now. Look forward to seeing you inside!

This course is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation for any security; nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advisory.  All information is subject to change and may quickly become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in developing algorithmic and systematic trading
  • Anyone interested in extracting alpha in one of the hottest areas in finance
  • Those who are looking to break into the Hedge Fund industry
  • Those who are interested to apply big data and data science in finance

Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy – Free Course Site

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