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UI Design For Power Apps

UI Design For Power Apps
UI Design For Power Apps

UI Design For Power Apps

Modern experience can only be achieved with hands-on work.

What you’ll learn

UI Design For Power Apps

  • HTML cards
  • SVG charts
  • Components
  • In Power Apps, there are online resources that can help you use UI Design to make them better.
  • Grids
  • Animation


  • People who know a little about Power Apps


Power Apps is a tool for making apps that don’t need to be written in code. This means that even if you don’t know how to write code, you can still make apps that solve business problems. A lot of people want this kind of person, and you can be one of them.

In today’s world, business applications are becoming more important than ever in businesses. This is a good thing for the business because it can quickly adapt to changes in the modern world. In a short amount of time, a business user (HR, Marketing, Sales, Logistics, and Eng.) can learn how to make complete applications, which can have a big impact on a number of processes.

It is my name, Leonardo Russo, and I work at the company. I’m a Power Platform developer and a teacher, too. I’ve already made apps for big multinational companies (and I’m still working on them), and today I’m sharing what I know. I have a YouTube channel where I post videos about the Power Platform. I also helped with training, consulting, implementations, and workshops for people all over the world.

Powermyapps is a tool that helps app developers get the assets they need for their apps in a practical way. I’m the person who made it.

Here, you will learn how to start from scratch and make an expense tracking app. We made this course for people who are just starting out and want to learn how to build an app from start to finish.

Who this course is for:

  • People of all levels can make Power Apps.

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