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Java Programming: The Comprehensive Modern Java Course

Java Programming: The Comprehensive Modern Java Course
Java Programming: The Comprehensive Modern Java Course

Java Programming: The Comprehensive Modern Java Course

A Full Course to Learn the Basics and Beyond of Java

What you’ll learn

Java Programming: The Comprehensive Modern Java Course

  • Learn everything you need to know about Java’s main features.
  • Learn about Java’s “Why” as well as its “How.”
  • Use the most recent JDKs to learn the latest Java features.
  • Find out how to use Java Lambda Expressions for functional programming.
  • Gain enough experience to be able to work on other Java frameworks like Spring, Vaadin, JavaFX, Android, etc.


  • A good way to install the software you need, like IntelliJ Idea
  • Patience and staying the same It’s a very full course!


Java is a high-level programming language that is used in almost every aspect of making software. Learning Java will help you improve your skills in a big way. This course is not just another Java course; it is meant to give students a gentle but thorough introduction to the Java programming language.

When you’re done with this course, you’ll be ready to learn more about other parts of the Java programming language.

Why should you take this course?

This course will not only teach you Java, but it will also bring you up to speed on the newest features of Java. Java is changing quickly, and there are now better, shorter ways to solve problems than you might have seen in your old Java books. You will not only learn Java but also how the language is used today.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone willing to get an in-depth understanding of the Java Programming Language

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