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Learn Python by Creating a Fun Idle Business Tycoon Game Course

Learn Python by Creating a Fun Idle Business Tycoon Game Course Free Download
Learn Python by Creating a Fun Idle Business Tycoon Game Course Free Download

Learn Python by Creating a Fun Idle Business Tycoon Game Course

The fun way to learn Python and essential Design Patterns for Game, Business Application, and Enterprise development

What Will I Learn?

Learn Python by Creating a Fun Idle Business Tycoon Game Course

  • Write Python applications of increasing difficulty and complexity
  • Understand the basic game theory and design
  • Have a strong foundation for learning more advanced Python topics and concepts
  • Learn incrementally develop and refactoring skills


  • Basic Computer Literacy Skills
  • Ability to download programs and install them on Windows, Ubuntu, or Mac
  • Some previous programming experience is helpful and will make the course easier, but it is not required.


Python is a powerful programming language that will dramatically increase your demand in practically any IT related field.  The main purpose of this course to create the most fun way possible to learn Python. We start at the very beginning and have worked to put together the perfectly paced course to introduce you to Python programming in a fast, fun way.

This course focuses on teaching you what you need to know to get results right away. Starting with a twist on “hello world’, we begin by creating a simple text business game that introduces you to the important features of the Python language.  Instead of a boring course that walks you through the language like it was a reference book, this course focuses on getting results and learning at a rapid pace.

This course is not an exhaustive reference guide to Python.

This course is a fun way to learn Python and get a solid foundation so that you can feel comfortable and confident in developing your Python applications. It does not cover every function and language feature you will need to know to be a successful Python developer. As we expand this course with new lectures and bonus content we will be exploring additional Python language features. Please provide feedback on any features you would like to see added to the game.
You will go from simple variables to loops, to classes, and lists in a matter of hours. All along the way, you will see your idle game grow in complexity. You will be encouraged with challenges along the way to test your skills. Even better, the idle game business tycoon game you create can easily be extended with your ideas.
This course is for anyone learning Python. Once you complete this course you will have the skills to build Python applications in any field from Neural Networks and Deep Learning to Python-based Business Application platforms like Odoo.

The FUN way to learn the basics of Python

I start at the beginning learning how to make a simple little ‘tycoon’ game using print statements and text input. You will learn how to create and update variables, if statements, creating custom functions, loops, and other basic Python concepts. After now producing more than 200 courses and tutorials on OdooClass, Teachable and Udemy I believe you will find this a very well-paced course.

Learning Practical Design Patterns and Python Programming Techniques

After we have our basic game up and running we begin teaching other important skills that will be valuable to you as a Python programmer.   You learn about the factory design pattern to create our instances of our stores.  You learn about class (or static) methods and how you can use them to better simplify your design and better compose your game architecture. During this phase, your game becomes more complex with more features.

Creating a graphical interface for our game
With our game framework defined and basic operations in place, we will be prepared to integrate Tkinter and build a GUI for a major upgrade to our game. It is at this stage we will have a fully working idle game that you can build on as you please. You will learn how to integrate the Tkinter library and set up a Game Manager. Then we see how to create a timer with a visual progress bar to show when our store will return the money. At this point, you will be well on your way to becoming a confident Python developer.

Integrating Libraries and Advanced Python

Now that we have a fully functional game we can continue to build and add more advanced features. As this course is for anyone wanting to learn Python, not just game developers, there are still great features we can add to our game to make it easier to maintain.

Specifically loading our store information out of a data file instead of hard coding values in our application. So we teach you how to create a data file and load that data into Python. Important skills for anyone wishing to use Python for data science, machine learning, or enterprise business applications.

Planned Course Upgrades
One of the nice things about a Udemy course is that we can and do add additional content after the course is launched. During the creation of this course, there were several language features we simply didn’t need to use for our design. In future lectures, we will cover those design features and build the course up until it represents all core features of the language.

Taught by Greg Moss, an Enterprise System Architect & Developer for more than 30 years

I first started writing BASIC computer programs in 1981 on an Apple II. It quickly became clear that there was an opportunity to make money writing programs for local businesses. I was a sophomore in high school when I got my first ‘paid’ programming job. Writing an application that would calculate interest payments on investments for First American Acceptance Corporation.
Since that time I have learned dozens of programming languages and developed thousands of applications. I’ve developed applications in a wide range of industries including medical, government, non-profit, telecommunications, eCommerce, banking & finance, manufacturing, law enforcement, education, game industry, and political organizations.

Learn Python by Creating a Fun Idle Business Tycoon Game Course

Who is the target audience?

  • Anyone wanting to learn Python for Business, Gaming, or Data Science Applications
  • Someone looking for a fun way to learn the Python language
  • Programmers wanting to learn how to create applications with a GUI interface in Python
  • Learn Python Requests Course

Learn Python by Creating a Fun Idle Business Tycoon Game Course

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