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Learn Python with Real world examples and job interview question Course

Learn Python with Real world examples and job interview question Course Free Download
Learn Python with Real world examples and job interview question Course Free Download

Learn Python with Real-world examples and job interview question Course

Learn Python

What you’ll learn

Learn Python with Real-world examples and job interview question Course

  • The student will have an understanding of programming in Python
  • The Student will be able to build real-world related programs

  • The student will learn Object-Oriented programming (which is one of the most popular programming models)

  • The student will have an understanding of the basics of programming and how programs are executed.


  • No knowledge about Python is required. We will start at zero and we will go step-by-step
  • Regular computer (PC, or Mac)


1. In this course, we will start from zero and we will build our way up to become proficient in Python.2. When You Apply for Programming Job you probably will have to go through Technical Interview in which you will be asked to solve a programming related question (which could be hard most of the times) in this course we will solve a lot of programming(Software Developer ) job interview Technical questions that asked by the top tech companies like (Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, and many others). In this course, we will solve 4 job Interview questions.
3.”I think one of the best ways to learn is by doing” that’s why I will give a lot of real-world examples that will help you to practice your understanding about programming with Python in situations that related to our Real life. This will also help you to understand how programming is related to our world.4. In some situations, I will be using Digital writing in this course (what I write in the paper will appear in front of you, it is like you have a board in front of you) which will help to deliver material in a better way.

Who is the target audience?

  • Beginners who are interested in learning how to program in Python.
  • Anyone interested to see how programming is related to our real world.
  • This course is not for an experienced Python Developer.
  • A Layman’s guide to Python Course

Learn Python with Real world examples and job interview question Course

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